live demo: click here
The @heliomarpm/ion-calendar
is a calendar component for Ionic Framework-based applications.
It uses Luxon to handle dates and times, so it's fully compatible with
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 8601 formats.
- Fully customizable layout;
- Customizable date format;
- Multiple selection mode;
- Range selection mode;
- Calendar can be placed in content area or as an overlay;
- Theming using SCSS variables.
- Disable weekdays or weekends.
- Setting days event.
- Setting localization.
- Material design from Ionic Framework.
- Adapted for Ionic dark theme
- @angular/core
- @ionic/angular
You can install the library using npm
or yarn
npm i @heliomarpm/ion-calendar
# or
yarn add @heliomarpm/ion-calendar
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicApp, IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { IonCalendarModule } from '@heliomarpm/ion-calendar';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [
export class AppModule {}
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicApp, IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';
import { AppComponent } from './app.component';
import { IonCalendarModule } from '@heliomarpm/ion-calendar';
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [
// See ICalendarComponentOptions for options
doneLabel: 'Confirm',
closeIcon: true
export class AppModule {}
<ion-calendar [(ngModel)]="date"
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
selector: 'page-home',
templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {
date: string;
type: 'string'; // 'string' | 'js-date' | 'luxon' | 'time' | 'object'
constructor() { }
onChange($event) {
<ion-calendar [(ngModel)]="dateRange"
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ICalendarComponentOptions } from '@heliomarpm/ion-calendar';
selector: 'page-home',
templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {
dateRange: { from: string; to: string; };
type: 'string'; // 'string' | 'js-date' | 'luxon' | 'time' | 'object'
optionsRange: ICalendarComponentOptions = {
pickMode: 'range'
constructor() { }
<ion-calendar [(ngModel)]="dateMulti"
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ICalendarComponentOptions } from '@heliomarpm/ion-calendar';
selector: 'page-home',
templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {
dateMulti: string[];
type: 'string'; // 'string' | 'js-date' | 'luxon' | 'time' | 'object'
optionsMulti: ICalendarComponentOptions = {
pickMode: 'multi'
constructor() { }
Name | Type | Default | Description |
options | ICalendarComponentOptions | null | options |
format | string | 'yyyy-MM-dd' | value format |
type | string | 'string' | value type |
readonly | boolean | false | readonly |
Name | Type | Description |
onChange | EventEmitter | event for model change |
onMonthChange | EventEmitter | event for month change when displayMode = month |
onWeekChange | EventEmitter | event for month change when displayMode = week |
onSelect | EventEmitter | event for click day-button |
onSelectStart | EventEmitter | event for click day-button |
onSelectEnd | EventEmitter | event for click day-button |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
from | Date | new Date() |
start date |
to | Date | 0 (Infinite) | end date |
color | string | 'primary' |
'primary', 'secondary','tertiary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'dark', 'medium', 'light', 'custom', 'transparent' |
colorSubtitle | string | undefined |
'primary', 'secondary','tertiary', 'success', 'warning', 'danger', 'dark', 'medium', 'light', 'custom', 'transparent' |
pickMode | string | single |
'multi', 'range', 'single' |
showToggleButtons | boolean | true |
show toggle buttons |
monthsTitle | Array | ['JAN', 'FEB', ..., 'NOV', 'DEC'] |
month picker format |
showMonthPicker | boolean | true |
show month picker |
showYearPicker | boolean | true |
show year picker |
defaultTitle | string | '' | default title in days |
defaultSubtitle | string | '' | default subtitle in days |
disableWeeks | Array | [] |
week to be disabled (0-6) |
monthFormat | string | 'MMM yyyy' |
month title format |
weekdays | Array | ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'] |
weeks text |
weekStart | number | 0 |
set week start day 0 of sundaty, 1 of monday |
IDayConfig | Array<IDayConfig> | [] |
days configuration |
displayMode | string | month |
'month', 'week' |
showAdjacentMonthDay | boolean | true |
show days of adjacent months when displayMode: 'month' |
showMonthAdjacentDays | boolean | false |
show the month on days adjacent to the selected month when displayMode: 'week' |
weeks | number | 1 |
number of week to show in week display mode |
locale | ICalendarLocale | {locale: 'en', weekdays: 'initial' } | change calendar locale and set default name to weeks |
Import ion2-calendar in component controller.
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { ModalController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { CalendarModalComponent, ICalendarModalOptions, IDayConfig, ICalendarResult } from '@heliomarpm/ion-calendar';
selector: 'page-home',
templateUrl: 'home.html'
export class HomePage {
constructor(public modalCtrl: ModalController) {}
openCalendar() {
const options: ICalendarModalOptions = {
title: 'BASIC'
const myCalendar = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: CalendarModalComponent,
componentProps: { options }
const event: any = await myCalendar.onDidDismiss();
const date: ICalendarResult =;
if (event.role === 'done') {
console.log('date:', date); // date selected
Set pickMode to 'range'.
openCalendar() {
const options: ICalendarModalOptions = {
pickMode: 'range',
title: 'RANGE'
const myCalendar = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: CalendarModal,
componentProps: { options }
const event: any = await myCalendar.onDidDismiss();
const date =;
const from: ICalendarResult = date.from;
const to: ICalendarResult =;
console.log(date, from, to);
Set pickMode to 'multi'.
openCalendar() {
const options = {
pickMode: 'multi',
title: 'MULTI'
const myCalendar = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: CalendarModal,
componentProps: { options }
const event: any = await myCalendar.onDidDismiss();
const date: ICalendarResult =;
Use index eg: [0, 6]
denote Sunday and Saturday.
openCalendar() {
const options: ICalendarModalOptions = {
disableWeeks: [0, 6]
const myCalendar = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: CalendarModal,
componentProps: { options }
const event: any = await myCalendar.onDidDismiss();
const date: ICalendarResult =;
openCalendar() {
const options: ICalendarModalOptions = {
locale: { locale: 'zn-CN', weekdays:'short' },
weekStart: 1,
monthFormat: 'yyyy ๅนด MM ๆ',
defaultDate: new Date()
const myCalendar = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: CalendarModal,
componentProps: { options }
const event: any = await myCalendar.onDidDismiss();
const date: ICalendarResult =;
Configure one day.
openCalendar() {
let holidays: IDayConfig[] = [];
holidays.push({date: new Date(2023, 0, 1), title: '๐', subTitle: 'New Year'});
holidays.push({date: new Date(2023, 4, 1), subTitle: 'Labor Day', disable: true});
holidays.push({date: new Date(2023, 11, 25), subTitle: '๐
', disable: true});
const options: ICalendarModalOptions = {
from: new Date(2023, 0, 1),
to: new Date(2023, 11, 31),
defaultDate: new Date(),
efaultScrollTo: new Date(),
IDayConfig: holidays,
color: 'success'
const myCalendar = await this.modalCtrl.create({
component: CalendarModal,
componentProps: { options }
const event: any = await myCalendar.onDidDismiss();
const date: ICalendarResult =;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
from | Date | new Date() |
start date |
to | Date | undefined |
end date |
title | string | 'CALENDAR' |
title |
color | string | 'primary' |
'primary', 'secondary', 'danger', 'light', 'dark' |
defaultScrollTo | Date | from | let the view scroll to the default date |
defaultDate | Date | null |
default date data, apply to single |
defaultDates | Array | null |
default dates data, apply to multi |
defaultDateRange | { from: Date, to: Date } | null |
default date-range data, apply to range |
defaultTitle | string | '' | default title in days |
defaultSubtitle | string | '' | default subtitle in days |
cssClass | string | '' |
Additional classes for custom styles, separated by spaces. |
canBackwardsSelected | boolean | false |
can backwards selected |
pickMode | string | single |
'multi', 'range', 'single' |
disableWeeks | Array | [] |
week to be disabled (0-6) |
closeLabel | string | CANCEL |
cancel button label |
doneLabel | string | DONE |
done button label |
clearLabel | string | null |
clear button label |
closeIcon | boolean | false |
show cancel button icon |
doneIcon | boolean | false |
show done button icon |
monthFormat | string | 'MMM yyyy' |
month title format |
weekdays | Array | ['S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'] |
weeks text |
weekStart | number | 0 (0 or 1) |
set week start day |
weeks | number | 1 |
number of weeks will be displayed when displayMode: week |
IDayConfig | Array<IDayConfig> | [] |
days configuration |
step | number | 12 |
month load stepping interval to when scroll |
autoDone | boolean | false | done automatically when selecting date |
showAdjacentMonthDay | boolean | true | show days of adjacent months |
pickMode | Type |
single | { date: ICalendarResult } |
range | { from: ICalendarResult, to: ICalendarResult } |
multi | Array<ICalendarResult> |
Value | Description |
'cancel' | dismissed by click the cancel |
'done' | dismissed by click the done button |
'backdrop' | dismissed by click the backdrop |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
cssClass | string | '' |
separated by spaces |
date | Date | required | configured days |
marked | boolean | false | highlight color |
disable | boolean | false | disable |
title | string | none | displayed title eg: 'today' |
subTitle | string | none | subTitle subTitle eg: `'New Year's |
Name | Type |
time | number |
secondas | number |
dateObj | Date |
string | string |
year | number |
month | number |
day | number |
- @angular/core: Angular - the core framework
- @ionic/angular: Ionic Angular specific building blocks on top of @ionic/core components.
- luxon: Luxon is a library for working with dates and times in JavaScript.
Please make sure to read the Contributing Guide before making a pull request.
Thank you to all the people who already contributed to project!
Made with
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MIT ยฉ Heliomar P. Marques ๐