#Wiring the NRF 24L01+ radio
NRF24l01+ | Rpi Header Pin |
GND | 25 |
VCC | 17 |
CE | 22 |
CSN | 24 |
SCK | 23 |
MOSI | 19 |
MISO | 21 |
IRQ | -- |
#Building & Installing
##RF24 library
- Download the library from
- Either an official release(tested with 1.1.3) or clone the master branch.
- Decompress(if needed) and change to the library directory
- Run
make all
followed bysudo make install
##Serial Gateway
The standard configuration will build the Serial Gateway with a tty name of '/dev/ttyMySensorsGateway' and PTS group ownership of 'tty' the PTS will be group read and write. The default install location will be /usr/local/sbin. If you want to change that edit the variables in the head of the Makefile.
###Build the Gateway
- Clone this repository
- Change to the Raspberry directory
- Run
make all
followed bysudo make install
- (if you want to start daemon at boot) sudo make enable-gwserial
For some controllers a more recognisable name needs to be used: e.g. /dev/ttyUSB020 (check if this is free).
sudo ln -s /dev/ttyMySensorsGateway /dev/ttyUSB20
To automatically create the link on startup, add ln -s /dev/ttyMySensorsGateway /dev/ttyUSB20
just before exit0
in /etc/rc.local
- Change to Raspberry directory
- Run
sudo make uninstall