MySoft YouTube Downloader (MySoft YTD) lets you fast download content from YouTube be it a movie, music video or workout video. Save (YouTube) video in MP3, FLV or WebM, with the perfect resolution to fit your device, preview, play , see thumbnail or Share Via QR Code.
I created MySoft YTD back in 2017 when I was 14 years old. I just got started with programming and I had so much fun working on the project. It took me like a month to work and release it in November 2017. It is currently available on PayHip of course for FREE since November 2017.
I decided to open source this project for history purpose. I want to remember how I coded back in that time. If I have time I might rewrite everything in C#.
- @franznkemaka (back in 2017)
- 🖥️ Add Windows support
- ⚡️ Improve code base
- 🔥 Migrate to C#
- 🚀 Release v2.0
Although the project is not maintained, Any contribution is welcome.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Do what ever you want with.
Made With ❤️ By Franz Nkemaka
© 2017 MySoft Studio