DMEThumbnailer is a thumbnail generator for images, MP4 videos and PDF Documents.
Cocoapods, by podfile
platform :ios, '6.0'
pod "DMEThumbnailer"
or copy the contents of /DMEThumbnailer
into your project.
##Demo App
Navigate to /DMEThumbnailerExample
and open the proyect file.
##How do I use DMEThumnailer
Import DMEThumbnailer.h
DMEThumbnailer required AVFoundation Framework, include it in your proyect and import it.
#import <AVFoundation/AVFoundation.h>
DMEThumbnailer is a singleton class. To create two types of thumbnails "small" (120px x 80px) and "large" (240px x 160px) you can do:
NSDictionary *sizes = @{
@"small": [NSValue valueWithCGSize:(CGSize){120, 80}],
@"large": [NSValue valueWithCGSize:(CGSize){240, 160}]
[DMEThumbnailer sharedInstance].sizes = sizes;
This generates thumbnails stored in the cache directory in the Thumbs subfolder.
##Generating thumbnails
You can generate all the thumbnails defined in the last step with these methods:
// Generate thumbnails from an image:
-(void)generateImageThumbnails:(NSString *)aPath afterGenerate:(GenerateThumbCompletionBlock)afterBlock completionBlock:(GenerateThumbsCompletionBlock)block
// Generate thumbnails from a video:
-(void)generateVideoThumbnails:(NSString *)aPath afterGenerate:(GenerateThumbCompletionBlock)afterBlock completionBlock:(GenerateThumbsCompletionBlock)block
// Generate thumbnails from a pdf
-(void)generatePDFThumbnails:(NSString *)aPath afterGenerate:(GenerateThumbCompletionBlock)afterBlock completionBlock:(GenerateThumbsCompletionBlock)block
The block afterGenerate will execute when individual thumbnails generate but before save then.
Three methods completion block return a NSDictionary with UIImages.
##Showing specified thumbnail
You can take a specified type of thumbnail for file with these method:
-(UIImage *)readThumb:(NSString *)aPath withPrefix:(NSString *)aPrefix
Prefix is the key of thumbnail in dictionary that we created an assigned tu sizes property of DMEThumbnailer. Example:
UIImage *smallThumb = [[DMEThumbnailer sharedInstance] readThumb:@"path/to/file" withPrefix:@"small"]
##Individual thumbnails
You can also create individual thumbnail for file with these methods:
-(void)generateImageThumbnail:(NSString *)aPath widthSize:(CGSize)aSize completionBlock:(GenerateThumbCompletionBlock)block
-(void)generateVideoThumbnail:(NSString *)aPath widthSize:(CGSize)aSize completionBlock:(GenerateThumbCompletionBlock)block
-(void)generatePDFThumbnail:(NSString *)aPath widthSize:(CGSize)aSize completionBlock:(GenerateThumbCompletionBlock)block
Three methods completion block return a UIImage pointer for you can modify it before save.
Then to recover an individual thumbnail:
-(UIImage *)readThumb:(NSString *)aPath
##Removing thumbnails
-(void)removeThumbnails:(NSString *)aPath
-(BOOL)removeThumb:(NSString *)aPath;