Open-Source Gradius Shmup Engine for Game Maker: Studio This engine is heavily reliant on knowledge of GML. As long as all assets are replaced with your own, you may use this source code royalty-free. (Credit isn't required, but appreciated)
See it in action here:
This engine features:
- Dynamic game state system (Opening credits, titlescreen, game mode, pausing, cutscene mode, game over mode, "START" mode [The START window before the player gains control])
- The standard Gradius arsenal and HUD
- Co-Op Mode
- A fully playable level
- Game Loop system (increasing difficulty; infinite play)
- Window resizing hotkeys (1, 2, 3, Alt+Enter, Holding Esc closes game)
- Tilemap loading (.oel OGMO Tilemap format:
- Real-time tilemap modification and export
- Commented code (At least, I tried!)
- Title Screen menu, including customizing controls (Default controls use keyboard Z/X/C, UDLR, and Enter)
- Cheat codes on the pause screen
The engine also has many debug features (Press Q to toggle debug mode):
- E: Toggle cutscene game state
- R: Set X camera scroll to 0.3
- T: Increase the player's speed
- U: Trigger Kon.Code (Unlimited uses)
- I: Give Player 1 a Speedup
- C: Give Player 2 a Speedup
- Numpad +/-: Increment/decrement player lives
- Right/Left-click: Change tile value the mouse is currently hovered over
- Shift+Right-click: Set tile on top of mouse's value to 0
- P: Export the current level to a new .eol in the game's "working_directory"
- B: Kill the player (Suicide button)