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(ARM-4) Puppet Heredoc


This proposal defines Heredoc for the Puppet Language. Puppet Heredoc defines the ability to inline blocks of text, provide detailed escape processing and trimming of margin and trailing newline as well as providing a mechanism to syntax check the textual content.


The main goal is to make it easier to deal with blocks of verbatim text, especially when containing escape sequences.

Non Goals

These are non goals for this proposal:

  • Defining content types
  • Defining a plugin mechanism - the proposal is based on using functions, this is however not ideal.
  • Enhanced positioning APIs (tracking positions in source via munging of escapes, via interpolation to checking with potentially an external parser)
  • Ruby Heredoc syntax compatibility (there are several problems with the Ruby Heredoc syntax)

Success Metrics

No practical success metrics identified.


It is currently complicated to write certain types of long strings in the puppet language. Specifically, this is of value for Powershell Issue #13196.

Alternatives include using templates or external files. For relative small/medium sized elements (and if there are many) management of external snippets is an unwanted extra complexity.

Compared to competitors where definitions are written in Ruby it is difficult to process blocks of text and deal with strings at a character level in the Puppet DSL. This proposal makes some common tasks much easier (handle a block of text, define a margin, and provide detailed escape processing).


Heredoc is a Ruby language feature that allows arbitrary text to be written in the source file between a HEREDOC start marker and its matching end (Ruby HEREDOC is not described in detail in this document). There are several issues related to Ruby HEREDOC:

  1. It is not possible to specify removal of indented space in the result. The <<- syntax only makes indentation of the end marker possible and the user must call gsub to remove initial whitespace. This is difficult to get right, and is brittle (change of indentation may break the construct).
  2. It is not possible to get rid of the final \n without gsub substitution
  3. Since the heredoc operator << is also used for the left shift binary operator it may not appear in all places where a string may appear.
  4. The Heredoc text is interpolated, and if verbatim ruby interpolation should appear in the output, these must be escaped.
  5. There is no detailed control over escapes.

Puppet Heredoc

This proposal presents a solution that does not have the same problems as Ruby's heredoc (shown above).

This proposal is built on using the @() operator to indicate "here doc, until given end tag", e.g.

$a = @(END)
This is the text that gets assigned to $a.
And this too.

Further, the operator allows specification of the semantics of the contained text, as follows:

@(END)no interpolation and no escapes
@("END") double quoted string semantics for interpolation and no escapes

It is possible to optionally specify a syntax that allows validation of the heredoc text, as in this example specifying that this text should be valid JSON.

$a = @(END:json)
This is supposed to be valid JSON text

And finally, it is possible to specify the processing of escaped characters. By default both the @(END) form as well as the @("END") form has no escapes and text is verbatim. It is possible to turn on all escapes, or individual escapes by ending the heredoc specification with a /. If followed by only a / all escapes are turned on, and if followed by individual escapes, only the specified escapes are turned on. In this example, the user specifies that \t should be turned into tab characters:

$a = @(END/t)
There is a tab\tbefore 'before'

These features are explained in more details in the following sections.

The Heredoc Tag

The heredoc tag is written on the form:

@( <endtag> [:<syntax>] [/<escapes>] )

The heredoc endtag may consist of any text except the delimiters (see details below). Syntax is optionally specified with a : (colon) followed by the name of the syntax used in the text. Escapes are optionally spcified with a / followed by the possible escapes.

Here are the details:

  • <endtag> is any text not containing :, /, ) or \r, \n (This is the text that indicates the end of the text)
  • <syntax> is [a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_+]*, and is the name of a syntax. This is validated to not contain empty segments between + signs. The result is always downcased.
  • <escapes> zero or more of the letters t, s, r, n, L, $ where
    • \t is replaced by a tab character
    • \s is replaced by a space
    • \r is replaced by carriage-return
    • \n is replaced by a new-line
    • \L replaces escaped end of line (\r?\n) with nothing
    • $ is replaced by a $ and prevents any interpolation
    • If any of the other escapes are specified \ is replaced by one \
  • if <escapes> is empty (no characters) all escapes t, s, r, n, L, and $ are turned on.
  • It is an error to specify any given escape character more than once in the specification.

The three parts in the heredoc tag may be surrounded by whitespace for readability.

End Marker

The end marker consists of the heredoc endtag (specified at the opening @) and optional operators to control trimming.

The end marker must appear on a line of its own. It may have leading and trailing whitespace, but no other text (it is then not recognized as the end of the heredoc). In contrast to Ruby heredoc, there is no need to specify at the opening that the end tag may be indented.

The end marker may optionally start with one of the following operators:

- indicates that trailing whitespace (including new line) is trimmed from the last line.
| indentation marker, any left white-space on each line in the text that matches the white-space to the left of the position of the `|` char is trimmed from the text on all lines in the heredoc. Typically this is a sequence of spaces. A mix of tabs and spaces may be used, but there is no tab/space conversion, the same sequence used to indent lines should be used to indent the pipe char (thus, it is not possible to trim "part of a tab").
|- combines indentation and trimming of trailing whitespace

The optional start may be separated from the end marker by whitespace (but not newline). These are legal end markers:

|           END
|- END

The sections Indentation, and Trimming contains examples and further details.


The position of the | marker before the end tag controls how much leading whitespace to trim from the text.

$a = @(END)
  This is indented 2 spaces in the source, but produces
  a result flush left with the initial 'T'
    This line is thus indented 2 spaces.
  | END

Without the leading pipe operator, the end tag may be placed anywhere on the line. This will include all leading whitespace.

$a = @(END)
  This is indented 2 spaces in the source, and produces
  a result with left margin equal to the source file's left edge.
    This line is thus indented 4 spaces.

When the indentation is right of the beginning position of some lines the present left whitespace is removed, but not further adjustment is made, thus altering the relative indentation.

$a = @(END)
   | END

Results in the string XXX\n YYY\n

Tabs in the input and indentation

The left trimming is based on using the whitepsace to the left of the pipe character as a pattern. Thus, a mix of space and tabs may be used, but there is no tab to/from space conversion so it is not possible to trim part of a "tab". (Note: It is considered best practice to always use spaces for indentation).


It is possible to trim the trailing whitespace from the last line (the line just before the end tag) by starting the end tag with a minus '-'. When a '-' is used this is the indentation position.

$a = @(END)
  This line will not be terminated by a new line
$b = @(END)
  This line will not be terminated by a new line
  |- END

This is equivalent to:

$a =  '  This line will not be terminated by a new line'
$b =  'This line will not be terminated by a new line'

It is allowed to have whitespace between the - and the tag, e.g.

$a = @(END)     
  This line will not be terminated by a new line
  - END

Spaces allowed in the tag

White space is allowed in the tag name. Spaces are significant between words.

$a = @(Verse 8 of The Raven)
  Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,
  By the grave and stern decorum of the countenance it wore,
  `Though thy crest be shorn and shaven, thou,' I said, `art sure no craven.
  Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore -
  Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night's Plutonian shore!'
  Quoth the raven, `Nevermore.'
  | Verse 8 of The Raven

The comparison of opening and end tag is performed by first removing any quotes from the opening tag, then trimming leading/trailing whitespace, and then comparing the endtag against the text. The endtag must be written with the same internal spacing and capitalization as in the opening tag to be recognized.


By default escapes in the text (e.g. \n) is treated as verbatim text. The rationale for this, is that heredoc is most often used for verbatim text, where any escapes makes it very tedious to correctly mark up special characters. There are however usecases where it is important to have detailed control over escapes.

The set of allowed escapes are fixed to: t, s, r, n, $, and L (as shown earlier). The 'L' is special in that it allows the end of lines to be escaped (with the effect of joining them). The 'L' automatically handles line endings with carriage return/ line feed combinations. (In case it is not obvious: You can not insert an \L in the text). Here is an example:

$a = @(END/L)
First line, \
also on first line in result
|- END


First line, also on first line in result

Without the specification of /L the result would have been

First line,
also on first line in result

When an escape is on for any character, it is always possible to escape the backslash to prevent replacement from taking place.

$a = @(END/L)
First line, \\
on second line
|- END

An empty escapes specification turns on all escapes.

Multiple Heredoc on the same line

It is possible to use more than one heredoc on the same line as in this example:

foo(@(FIRST), @(SECOND))
  This is the text for the first heredoc
  This is the text for the second

If however, the line is broken like this:


Then the heredocs must appear in this order:

  This is the text for the first heredoc
  This is the text for the second

Additional semantics

The @(tag) is equivalent to a right value (i.e. a string), only that its content begins on the next line of not already consumed heredoc text. The shuffling around of the text is a purely lexical exercise.

Thus, it is possible to continue the heredoc expression, e.g. with a method call.

$a = @(END).upcase
  I am not shouting. At least not yet...
  | END

(It is not possible to continue the expression after the end-tag).

Syntax Checking of Heredoc Text

Syntax checking of a heredoc text is made possible by allowing the heredoc to be tagged with the name of a syntax/language. Here are some examples:


This way, the checking can take place server side before the content is (much later) used with possibly very hard to detect problems as a result.

Implementation could be that a function called check_<LANG>_syntax is called with the result. Thus making the set of languages extensible and customizable. The syntax name characters + and . are translated to two and one underscore character respectively. (See more about + below). A period is allowed since many mime types have this in their names (e.g.

The parser should ideally call such functions during parsing for non interpolated strings and the compiler should perform the syntax check when interpolated expressions have been evaluated. (This turned out to be somewhat tricky in practice - the reference implementation defers checking to evaluation for all heredoc).

A + character is allowed as a name separator (in the style of RFC2046-Mime Media Types). The intent is to describe syntax that is encoded in formats such as xml or json where the content must be valid json/xml and be valid in the specified dialect/"schema" (e.g. xslt+xml).

By convention, the most specific syntax should be placed first. When mapping syntax to a function name, each + is converted to two underscores. An attempt is first made with the full name (e.g. 'xslt__xml'), and if no such function exists, the leftmost name segment is dropped, and a new attempt is made to find a function (e.g. 'xml'). The first found function is given the task of validating the string. If no function is found, the string is not validated.

The full syntax string is passed to the validation function to allow mapping of segments to schema names.

Testing and Evaluation

A reference implementation has been made of this proposal. It is based on the --future parser available since Puppet 3.2.

This implementation is currently available here:

When evaluating this, here are some things to consider:

  • What do you think of the syntax?
  • Is the described implemented features what you expect? Is something you commonly want to do missing?
  • Do you find the lack of detailed mapped source position information a big problem and something that is important to implement? (This affects the ability of a syntax checker to correctly report source positions relative to the original source where the text was embedded. It is quite complicated as the checked string may have interpolations, joined lines, and other processing of escapes. Also external tools can not be told about the relative positions and would require complicated mapping back to the source).
  • Do you think it was the right decision to treat both non and interpolated string variants alike (i.e. no escapes by default)?
  • Are you ok with the use of punctuation/syntax in the heredoc tag, or would you have liked something more explicit like (until=>marker, escapes =>nst, syntax=>xxx) or something similar? (The reason for the design is that this parsing happens in the lexer and there is limited ability to parse in more advanced ways).
  • Do you think existing string capabilities in Puppet are enough and heredoc support is not needed?
  • Support spaces in tags or not?
    Allowing spaces in the tags offers self documentation, but could potentially be more difficult to read/understand.
  • Should the default indentation be based on start of tag instead of pipe, and pipe if it is present? Indentation - the proposal uses the ERB way ('nothing happens unless you say so').
  • Is the suggested handling of tabs enough? Tabs in input
  • Should there be a way to right trim all lines?
  • Should there be a way to join all lines (without space/nl, or with specified chars)? (You can do that by doing a split and a join on the resulting text using functions from the standard library, but would it be convenient to do so directly in the heredoc?).
  • Do you like the syntax checking feature?

Alternatives and Recommendation

The main goal is to make it easier to deal with blocks of text. An alternative is to support this in a more direct fashion as a string with more elaborate delimiters keeping the text in-line (i.e. not starting on the following line). The same escape and margin handling could be allowed (somehow).

Other alternatives include using more explicit (wordy) specification of the heredoc tag; say something like (until=>marker, escapes =>nst, syntax=>xxx), thereby also making it possible to pass more parameters to syntax validation. (This is a bit difficult to implement as there is limited parsing ability inside the lexer - it must be something reasonably simple to lex).

Risks and Assumptions

The implementation is approximately 90% in the lexer which is already covered with detailed tests. Any issues are going to be local, easily reproducible and fixed.

The complexity of the lexer naturally increases, but the implementation has already broken out and generalized some of the concepts that should make it easier to understand the lexer logic. Further refactoring is certainly possible and expected to take place after also implementing puppet templates as the full set of lexer requirements should then be understood.


There are no dependencies (except the 3.2 --parser future). The implementation of this introduces changes in the lexer that are of value when implementing ARM-3 puppet templates.

The use of heredoc syntax checking based on functions is not ideal. It is based on functions because there is no other suitable plugin mechanism in puppet. A registry where modules can register things like syntax checkers would be much better. (Such syntax checkers typically also come with external dependencies - XML processing gems, or custom ruby code that does not fit easily into the internal function DSL format).


How will this work impact other parts of the platform, the product, and the contributors working on them? Omit any irrelevant items.

  • Compatibility: The implementation is backwards compatible.

  • User experience: This brings new capabilities that it is assumed are easier to use than the alternatives. At the same time, heredoc is inherently somehwat complex to grasp at fist sight.

  • Portability: Implementation is aware of things like different line endings.

  • Documentation: The documentation impact is local; simply a new language feature.

  • Spin-offs/Future work: A real plugin system for puppet extensions would be beneficial for adding syntax checkers instead of relying on functions.

  • Other tools This has impact on both puppet lint and Geppetto as they need to be able to lex and make sense of puppet heredoc.