Collection of tools that might help Persian translators.
- Copy autoload content to autoload directory of aegisub.
- Copy include content to include directory of aegisub.
Mentioned directories are at the locations bellow:
- Windows:
- Linux:
(If folders doesn't exist you can create it yourself)
Correct common mistakes in Persian text.
Extend \move based on line's time (Created for linear signs that go outside of video boundries).
Converts non-RTL typed text to RTL compatible one.
Fix RTL languages displaying issues.
Undo RTL function effects.
An editor for easy editing of RTL language lines.
A splitter (at tags) for RTL language lines.
A splitter (at spaces) for RTL language lines.
Split / Reverse at Tags + Split / Split at Tags.
Reverse line at tags to use it with other LTR automations.