Requires gnu/stow for dotfiles management.
# pacman -S paru stow
In addition, following dependencies are required:
$ paru -S bspwm sxhkd rofi dunst feh polybar xidlehook thunar kitty polkit-gnome picom networkmanager neovim maim i3lock arandr xclip
- hyprland:
$ paru -S hyprland wofi waybar dunst wlogout polkit-gnome ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd thunar kitty swww swaync swaylock-effects networkmanager neovim gamemode cliphist btop hyprshot
Some generic packages:
# paru -S zsh mpv exa refind nwg-look-bin meld git code hyprshot fd fzf
- Install oh-my-zsh
- Change default shell to
chsh -s $(which zsh)
- Change default theme using
utility in hyprland
dotfiles home location:
Backup dotfiles like this:
cp -R ~/.config/waybar ~/.dotfiles/waybar/.config
Using gnu/stow link the dotfiles under ~/.dotfiles
like this:
stow --adopt waybar
Viola, waybar configuration files have been backed up. ~/.config/waybar
should contain only the symlinks to your git managed dot files.