This is a fancy little tool that will allow you to put an overlay on your webcam. I developed it after being fed up with the lack of innovation in the online interview space. I've made this as simple as possible to allow anyone to set it up and expand upon. I hope this help you stand out or make something amazing. I am new to a lot of these technologies and would appreciate any feedback and insights. Feel free to reach out on discord -> n0remac#9451.
There are three main components: a dummy cam, an FFMpeg script to create the overlay and stream to the dummy cam, and a bit of OpenCV to allow you to use gestures to effect the video stream. The name CamCam is in reference to taking input from your webcam and outputting it to a dummy cam, but it's also one of my nicknames :P
The following works on Linux. If you are using Mac or Windows you will need to find another way to send the stream to a dummy webcam. One possible option is to stream to VLC, capture that with OBS, then use OBS Virtualcam. I tested streaming to VLC but that already had too much latency. I will put those instructions at the end just in case someone can figure out how to optimize them.
I used virtualenv for this. If you don't have python 3.6 however I suggest anaconda as it is a really easy way to get new versions of python.
Set up environment with:
python3.6 -m venv venv
Activate environment:
source venv/bin/activate
Install requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
If you only want the overlay without the OpenCV component you don't actually need any of the requirements.
I used a great kernal module called v4l2loopback. Its setup and use is well documented here
If you are on Windows or Mac the only option I came up with is to stream to VLC then pick that up with OBS and send it to OBS Virtualcam. Ooof. You best bet would be to install Linux then uninstall Windows (or just use virtualbox).
The basic install of FFMpeg can handle the overlay, but if you want to change the position of your overlay while the script is running you will need to compile FFMpeg with zmq. This was the hardest part for me to figure out. You will need to have make
installed. If you use FFMpeg for other things be careful here. By doing this I lost some of the libraries that my default version of FFMpeg came with and needed to remake it again.
To compile from source download it from github:
git clone ffmpeg
Enter the ffmpeg directory.
./configure --enable-libzmq --enable-muxer=mpeg
sudo make install
You can use the --enable-muxer=mpeg flag if you want to try streaming to VLC. This will take a long time and spit out a lot of warning messages to the console, but its working, probably. I'll say it again; when I compiled this way I lost a lot of configurations so make sure this is what you want to do.
You can get more information here I used the "Generic compilation guide" for all platforms at the top.
If everything went well you should be good to go with the code.
Clone this repository:
Make sure the environment is started and you have created your dummy cam (Described in that loopback link).
Run the code!
You will need good and consistent lighting for the recognition to work. I had to tape paper over my windows to get the optimal setup.
If you restart your computer and have not setup the auto start for v4l2loopback you will need to run it again.
OpenCV requires python 3.6. If you have trouble getting this version, definitely checkout anaconda.
If you want to do more with FFMpeg this page has a lot of good examples
I rely on discord to troubleshoot a lot. There are servers for many technologies. The Python Discord server is very useful.
To stream to VLC you can use this command:
command = [
"-f", "rawvideo",
'-pix_fmt', 'bgr24',
'-s', dimensions,
"-i", "-",
"-i", overlay_file,
"-filter_complex", "[1:v]scale="+str(image_size)+":-1[ovrl], [0:v][ovrl]overlay="+str(image_x)+":"+str(image_y)+",zmq=bind_address=tcp\\\://\\\:1236[v]",
"-pix_fmt", "yuv420p",
"-map", "[v]",
"-sdp_file", "vlcstream.sdp",
"-f", "mpegts",
Then in VLC go to Media > Open Network Stream and put in this url:
The latency is not good enough for zoom but maybe it can be optimized.
Thanks to this dude for the fist cascade: