Implementation of various (original and "new") Enigma machines: original Enigma 1, "Morse Enigma", "Enigma 64", "ASCIIEnigma".
A full video about the different machines and this implementation here is available on my YouTube channel:
The "ASCIIEnigma" is an Enigma machine, that does not only work on 26 letters, but on the complete ASCII code (=256 symbols).
The project implements these "Enigmas":
- Engima 1: original 3 rotor Enigma with its original rotors and reflectors.
- Morse Enigma: "new" Enigma, but with letters, digits, and some special symbols. The set would still allow to send the messages via morse code (thats why I named it Morse Enigma).
- Enigma 64: a "new" Enigma, but with 64 printable characters including lowercase, uppercase, digits, and special characters.
- ASCII Enigma: a "new" Enigma, but it is able to encrypt ASCII encoded messages
The code allows to easily modify and create new machines. You can (re-)define rotors, reflects, and plugboard. Also, the code does not limit you to 3 or 4 rotors. You could even create an Enigma with 100s of rotors :-)
I did not implement the "rings", since these do not add to the security and would only make the machines more complex :-) For more details on the Enigma, have a look at the wikipedia article:
For those, who are searching for the Enigma equation(s). Here they are:
Some definitions:
- P is our plaintext letter (as integer), and C is our ciphertext letter (as integer)
- We assume our rotors are int arrays from 0=A to 25=Z (of course ordered by the original rotor definitions)
- We have r1, r2, r3, ..., rn rotors
- r1^-1 is the inverse rotor 1
- We have a plugboard p1 that maps l1 -> l2, letter 1 is replaced by letter 2
- p^-1 is the inverse plugboard function
- rf is a reflector (an array, that maps any letter x to y and then also y to x)
The complete Enigma is then defined as:
- C = p^-1(r1^-1(r2^-1(r3^-1(rf(r3(r2(r1(p(P)))))))))
The current first goes through the plugboard, then through the three rotors, then through the reflector, then through the (inverse) three rotors, and finally through the (inverse) plugboard.
A single rotor r is defined as (rotorarray is an int array defining the rotor mapping):
- C = Mod(rotorarray[Mod(P + Rotation, rotorarray.Length)] - Rotation, rotorarray.Length)
Clearly, the inverse rotor is the inverse int array, meaning, if the original maps 5 to 3, then the inverse maps 3 to 5
I also created YouTube videos about Enigma, if you are interested in the details of the machine and its cryptanalysis:
- Enigma Machine – Part 1 of 2 – How does it work? ->
- Enigma Machine – Part 2 of 2 – Let's break it! ->
- Enigma Cryptanalysis Revisited – New State-of-the-Art Attacks on the Enigma Machine in CrypTool 2 ->
- I also implemented the "Typex". Right now, it only supports the "Cyberchef" version: see
- I added the double stepping anomaly, which causes the middle rotor of Enigma (and Typex) also to rotate, when the left-most rotor rotates