Classic Delphi-VCL Editors plus a Boundary-Label (DB-Aware and Standard) including NumberBox, plus an Extended DbGrid
With this small library of VCL components it is possible to have the classic VCL editors (standard and data-aware) with the addition of a "label" attached to the component itself (like the native component TLabeledEdit).
It is no longer necessary to keep the Label "connected" and "aligned" by hand to the editor: on every component you can specify 3 simple properties:
- BoundCaption
- BoundLabel.Labelposition
- BoundCaption.LabelSpacing (default 1)
The label can be positioned in 12 posizioni: lpTopLeft, lpTopCenter, lpTopRight, lpBottomLeft, lpBottomCenter, lpBottomRight, lpLeftTop, lpLeftMiddle, lpLeftBottom, lpRightTop, lpRightMiddle, lpRightBottom
Look at those examples, showing all the components with different Label alignments: the demo is available into Demo Folder
TNumberBox component (available from D10.4.2) is the new component for advanced numeric input. In this library you can find:
- TDBNumberBox: the standard component with classic DataAeware support (DataSource + DataField) without Label.
- TLabeledNumberBox: a TNumberBox component with boudary label
- TLabeledDBNumberBox: a TDBNumberBox with boudary label
TLabeledDbGrid is an advanced version of classic TDbGrid with the boundary Label, plus some extra features:
- ShowSortOrder: shows an indicator of sorting column
- Embedeed CheckBox for boolean fields
- Incremental search, when typing into a ReadOnly DbGrid
- Alternate row-color
- Custom row-colors
Related links: -
Clone repository, open Package Group "PackageGroup.groupproj" of your Delphi version located in:
Build RunTime package: DBAwareLabeledComponents.dproj
Install DesignTime package: dclDBAwareLabeledComponents.dproj
Remember to add those folders to Search Path:
Coming soon, into Wiki section.
25 Apr 2021: version 1.0.0
Components released:
only for D10.4.2
- TDBNumberBox
- TLabeledNumberBox
- TLabeledDBNumberBox
for all Delphi versions (from XE3)
- TLabeledColorGrid
- TLabeledCurrencyEdit
- TLabeledDBCurrencyEdit
- TLabeledSpinEdit
- TLabeledRichEdit
- TLabeledCheckListBox
- TLabeledEditEx (similar to TLabeledEdit)
- TLabeledComboBox
- TLabeledListBox
- TLabeledMemo
- TLabeledDBEdit
- TLabeledDBLabel
- TLabeledDBComboBox
- TLabeledDBListBox
- TLabeledDBMemo
- TLabeledDBImage
- TLabeledDBLookupListBox
- TLabeledDBLookupComboBox
- TLabeledDbGrid
- TLabeledDBRichEdit
- TLabeledDBCtrlGrid
- TLabeledDBListView
- TLabeledMaskEdit
- TLabeledRadioGroup
- TLabeledImage
- TLabeledColorBox