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Michael Isaacson edited this page Dec 13, 2017 · 68 revisions

Before updating read the ReleaseNotes file in nZED's root directory.

Windows Update Guide can be found here.

It's advisable to do a backup of the filesystem and database.

Any increment in the 0.x version (i.e. 0.6 to 0.7) usually indicates a backward incompatible change (often a raising of minimum requirements). For users upgrading from older versions it is advisable to update to the last of your current 0.x, before updating to the first of the next 0.x. Then check everything is working before repeating.

v0.8.0.0 (October 2017 release) This version removes support for PHP 5.6. If you install PHP v7.x (up to 7.1), but do not remove PHP 5.6 you may have some weird issues, particularly around tmux using v5.6 and failing the timezone checks.

v. (June 2017 Release)

You did read the ReleaseNotes and add the timezone values to MySQL's timezone tables, didn't you?

mysql_tzinfo_to_sql /usr/share/zoneinfo | mysql -u root mysql

If you have an older install, you might also have to add the date.timezone setting to the php.ini file. Make sure to quote it.

Updating the predb table may produce errors if:

  • You have NO_ZERO_DATES in your sql mode setting. Remove it :-)

  • Some dates may be invalid. This appears to be limited to dates around the end of March (during DST switch). Either delete the row, or add/subtract an hour to the predate time.

If you have problems with SQL patch number 0482, you can run the following SQL statements to fix the table. This will lose any custom regexes you have added though, so you will have to recreate them.

TRUNCATE release_naming_regexes;

LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE '' INTO TABLE release_naming_regexes FIELDS TERMINATED BY "\t" LINES TERMINATED by "\r\n" IGNORE 1 LINES (id, group_regex, regex, status, description, ordinal);

UPDATE settings SET value = 482 WHERE setting = 'sqlpatch';

v0.7.0.0 (March 2017 release, but in dev branch February)

Moved configuration files from .../nzedb/config to .../configuration. This separates settings from code locations, allowing permissions to be set more appropriately.

However, this will break pretty much everything. To fix, from your nZEDb directory, run the following in a terminal:

sudo mv www/install/install.lock configuration/

sudo mv nzedb/config/config.php configuration/

sudo mv nzedb/config/ircscraper_settings.php configuration/

sudo mv nzedb/config/settings.php configuration/

Make sure that the files have been moved by:

ls configuration/

You must have the install.lock and config.php files, but the others are optional and may not exist.

If your indexer suddenly stops working, make sure the install.lock file was moved to .../configuration. If, for any reason, that failed to be moved; you can simply create an empty file with the same name to fix this problem.

This version enforces the change to required minimum database version. 5.6 for MySQL / Percona and 10.0 for MariaDB. From now on, MariaDB is our recommended DBMS vendor as the others have default configs which cause us problems.

Finally TPG is no longer optional. The code is being changed to no longer check for non-tpg, it just assumes that it is. If you haven't converted to TPG yet, do so NOW as it will likely cause damage if you do not.

May 2016 nZEDb has migrated to composer for php software installation. After updating to the v0.6.0 (or higher) release, you should NOT use git pull nZEDb for updates. Instead:

  1. Stop the running scripts.
  2. From the nZEDb root directory
  3. ./zed update nzedb

From this release onwards do not use the autopatcher script. It's a "No No" :)

If you've not made local changes and see:
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: Aborting

You may need to set the desired branch. e.g. for the stable branch 0.x

git reset --hard origin/0.x

**Earlier Installs** for versions prior to v.0.6.0:
  1. Stop the running scripts.
  2. From the nZEDb root directory
git pull
php cli/update_db.php true
rm -f resources/smarty/templates_c/*
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