This Project consists of to bash scripts witch cloud be used with amavisd-new. The first script can be integrated to amavisd-new as virusscanner. The scripts use Palo Alto Networks Wildfire API to compute supported filetyps against ther sandbox.
How does it work:
amavisd-new for example passes the follogwing information to the script:
/var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20171218T132307-01008-XGcahmXN/parts to $1
example listing of that folder:
ls -l /var/amavis/tmp/amavis-20171218T132307-01008-XGcahmXN/parts
-rw-r----- 1 amavis amavis 75 Dec 18 13:23 p001
-rw-r----- 1 amavis amavis 152336 Dec 18 13:23 p002
-rw-r----- 2 amavis amavis 206713 Dec 18 13:23 p004
First compute a sha256 Hash and determine the mimetype over the files presented by amavisd-new
Checks if the mimetype is supported by Wildfire to go on
Checks if the hash is present in the local redis storage and uses the verdict (benign|malware)
If the hash isn’t present in redis storge it ask the wildfire cloud for a verdict.
Depending on the answer from the wildfire cloud –> if it’s known the verdict gets written in the redis storage and used or if it’s unknown the file gets uploaded to the Cloud for inspection.
You need a Wildfire Subscription to get use of their sandbox system.
I tested that on a debian 8 system. So you need those apps installed:
and redis-server (if redis db is on the same server) - configuring the redis server is autoside of this guide you get at with
“git clone“
and then “cd pan-python/ “ -> ./ install
Add that to your amavisd-new config to use the script:
@av_scanners = (
['Palo Alto Wildfire API', '/usr/local/sbin/', "{}", [50], [60], ],
to do: get amavisd-new to support a third exit code for the case where wildfire hasn't a verdict
because the sample is new to wildfire. Then amavisd-new should tempfail (smtp 450) the mail.
The secound script can be run on a daily basis. It's updates changed verdicts to your redis storage. For example Malware that was formerly classified as benign or vice versa.