This tool mimic JSONPath but for YAMLS.
The tool gets as input:
- A valid YAML text
- A filter expression that represents the value to be extracted:
- element1
- element2
- key1: element1
key2: element2
child2t: "text"
- Expression examples
root.child1.list[0] ---> "element1"
root.child1.list[1] ---> "element2"
root.child1.listOfdicts[0].key1 ---> "element1"
First, git clone the repo:
git clone
usage: [-h] -f FILE -e EXPR
Tool that extracts a value from a YAML text based on a path expression
required arguments:
-f FILE, --file FILE
The name of a yaml file.
If the file name is `-`, then it is read from stdin
-e EXPR, --expr EXPR
The expression to extract.
Please write the expression with double quotes, example: --expr "root.child1.list[0]"
In order to run the CLI you will need to have Python.
After installing Python, run these commands from the repo folder:
$ cd CLI
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Next you will have 2 ways to use the CLI tool:
Test files are located in the tests folder.
# Example from file
$ python -f tests/test.yaml --expr "root.child1.list[0]"
$ element1
# Example from stdin
$ cat tests/data/test.yaml | yaml-extract -f - --expr "root.child1.list"
$ ["element1", "element2"]
To use the tool with docker you will first need to build the docker image.
Type these commands to build the image:
$ cd docker
$ docker build -t yaml-extract .
There are 2 ways to use the tool with docker:
Test with docker mount
# Example docker with mount
# Run the commands from the main folder
# Command exmaple: docker run -v <absolute yaml file path>:/app/test.yaml yaml-extract:latest -f ./test.yaml -e "<your expression>"
$ docker run -v ${PWD}/tests/test.yaml:/app/test.yaml yaml-extract:latest -f ./test.yaml -e "root.child1.list[0]"
$ element1
Test with Docker Stdin
# Example docker with
# Command exmaple: cat <yaml files> | docker run -i yaml-extract:latest -f - -e "<your expression>"
# Run the commands from the main folder
$ cd tests
$ cat test.yaml | docker run -i yaml-extract:latest -f - -e "root.child1.list[0]"
$ element1
The Web API implemented using docker-compose.
Current API's are /health and /api/yaml-extract
To implement the Web Api, follow these lines of code:
# Run commands from main folder
$ cd web
$ docker-compose up --build
Following this the web server should be running.
On your web-browser, navigate to localhost:5123/health or
If you see the message Health is good then proceed, else the implementation failed.
The yaml-extract API takes Json file with the message structure
"text": "<YAML_TEXT>",
"expr": "<EXPR>"
and returns
{"data": <JSON_RESULT>}
- To test the yaml-extract API, follow this:
# Run commands from main folder
$ curl http://localhost:5123/api/yaml_extract --data-binary "@./tests/request.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
$ {"data":"element1"}
To implement with MiniKube run the following commands:
# Run commands from main folder
$ minikube start
$ cd web
$ eval $(minikube docker-env)
$ docker build -t yaml-extract-web .
$ cd .. # return to main folder
$ minikube addons enable ingress
$ kubectl apply -f ./yamls
$ minikube tunnel
Add this entry in your /etc/hosts yaml-extract.test
Navigate to the yaml-extract/health and check if the minikube loadbalancing between the two Pods.
# Run commands from main folder
$ curl http://yaml-extract/api/yaml_extract --data-binary "@./tests/request.json" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
$ {"data":"element1"}