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Django web-application to collect baseline data from a customer

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Baseline Data Form

Baseline Data Form is a Django application that allows you to collect baseline data from your customers.

Online Demo

Check out our demo:

Table of Contents:


Clone the repo, then install the requirements:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

Here we're using PostgreSQL database instead of SQLite, so you need to install and configure it (you can use this tutorial). Once you've installed PostgreSQL, edit NAME, USER and PASSWORD fields in DATABASES variable in file.

If you want to revert to SQLite, set the next value for DATABASES variable:

    'default': {
        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',
        'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3',

Once you’ve configured one of the databases, create media/ folder in the project root directory to store config files that customers will upload: mkdir media

Also, don't forget to set Debug = True in the file in case you're not ready to use it in production.

Then make migrations and run the server:

python3 ./ makemigrations main
python3 ./ collectstatic --no-input
python3 ./ migrate
python3 ./ runserver<port>

Now you can connect to your server via HTTP: http://<server's_IP>:<port>/


Add new organization

Go to the http://<server's_IP>:<port>/register/ and create a new webform for your customer's organization. Each organization is stored with its UUID. This UUID is used in all URLs that are associated with the organization. That's why a customer won't be able to access the web-pages of another one (as long as they don't know the exact UUID of another organization).

To register an organization you need:

  • The information (in YAML format) about baseline data that you want to collect from your customer. Here's an example (pay attention to the comments, we'll talk about them later):
Device1:   #[Central router]
  ip_mask:   #[IP address/mask][ipmask]
Device2:   #[Branch router ##
           # That one which is not central]
  - ip_mask:   #[IP address and mask]
  - ip_mask:
  • The number of configuration files that you want to get from your customer (default is 0). We strongly recommend providing the customer with a comment, which describes what configuration files you want to get.
  • Email addresses of people who want to receive messages every time a customer updates the form.
  • (optional) A set of commands for each device that you want the customer to execute in CLI of devices and provide you with the output. Use YAML syntax the next way:
  - command1
  - command2
  - command1
  - command3

Do NOT leave unknown fields in YAML-data with an empty value (or null value) like in the example below, cause the parser won't be able to detect the type of the field correctly (actually it would be defined as null and a customer won't be able to put information here):

  ntp: null 

Instead, use empty strings or strings as a template:

  syslog: ""

Note: If you want to use a number as the label's name, put it in single or double quotes (the editor doesn't support number as a key).

Once you've filled the registration form, click "Отправить" button and then you'll be redirected to the web page at http://<server's_IP>:<port>/<uuid>/. Your customer can use this link it to edit the form.

Work with the main form

The information about baseline data that you've provided while registering an organization is transformed into a webform. To get more information about the transformation process see Development → Logic section.

Change visibility of labels' names

The visibility of some labels in your YAML-data may be changed when they are displayed on the web-page. For example, the next YAML-data:

  - ip: #[IP адрес маршрутизатора справа]
  - ip: #[IP адрес маршрутизатора слева]
  syslog:  #[IP адрес Syslog-сервера]

will be displayed this way:


So if you want to change the label's visibility, provide its name in a comment using square brackets.

Do NOT use spaces to separate # and [ symbols.

In addition, we apply the next substitutions (case sensitive) for the label's names in the first column in case you don't provide any substitution for a particular label. The alternative variants are set in round brackets:

Original Substitution
ip IPv4 адрес
ip6 IPv6 адрес
gateway (gw) Шлюз
default gateway (default gw) Шлюз по умолчанию
ip_mask IPv4 адрес/маска
ip6_mask IPv6 адрес/маска
network Подсеть
interfaces Интерфейсы
syslog Syslog-сервер
aaa Сервер аутентификации
ntp1 Основной NTP-сервер
ntp2 Резервный NTP-сервер
dns1 Основной DNS-сервер
dns2 Резервный DNS-сервер
port Порт

Validation of the input

For some inputs, we check if a customer provides the data correctly. If the data isn't correct, the input's border and the badge at the end of the form turn red. Nevertheless, a customer will be able to send invalid data.

So inputs with the next formats are checked:

Format Example of valid input Example of invalid input
ipaddr 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8
f112d::1 — invalid 1st octet
tt::y — only hex numbers are allowed
fe80::y — only hex numbers are allowed
210.110 — must have 4 octets
255 — must have 4 octets
y.y.y.y — only digits are allowed
255.0.0.y — only digits are allowed
666.10.10.20 — octet number must be between [0-255]
4444.11.11.11 — octet number must be between [0-255]
33.3333.33.3 — octet number must be between [0-255]
vlanid 1
-10 — must be greater than 0
6575 — must be less than 4094
y880 — must be a number
210.110/22 — IP address must have 4 octets — mask must be less or equal to 32 — mask must be separated from IP address with a slash
ip6mask ::/0
f1234d::1/64 — invalid IPv6 address octets
fd:0:0:1::1/133 — mask must be less or equal to 128
fd:0:0:1::1.64 — mask must be separated from IP address with a slash
network — invalid network with mask 24 — not a valid network with mask 21
port 443
-323 — The port must be a positive number
65535 — The port must be less than 65535

You should specify the format of the field in the YAML comment. Do it the next way:

label: value   #[substitution][format]

If you don't want to specify substitution, leave the brackets with an empty substitution value:

label: value   #[][format]

So in the next example:

web-server:  #[Веб-сервер на площадке N]
  ip_mask:  #[][ipmask]
  dns:  #[Настроенный DNS-сервер][ipaddr]

the errors for the fields with specified formats will be displayed the next way:


Do NOT use spaces to separate substitution and format field like it's shown in the example below:

label: value   #[substitution] [format]

Some labels have predefined formats, which are overwritten with your comment for these labels (in case you specify the format). There're all of them:

Label Format
ip ipaddr
ip6 ip6addr
gateway (gw) ipaddr
default gateway (default gw) ipaddr
ip_mask ipmask
ip6_mask ip6mask
network network
vlanid vlanid
port port

If you don't want to validate the user's input for specific labels, keep the brackets empty:

ip: 1.1.X.1   #[Special IP address][]

Multi-line comments

If you want to write your label name in multiple lines, use the ## symbol as a line break. See the example below:

 label: value  #[This is a very ##
               #long, really long##
               # substitution][format]

Line breaks will be displayed with the label's name.

Do NOT break format field, even the way that is shown in the next examples:

label1: value1   #[substitution]##
label2: value2   #[substitution][for##

Upload and delete files

As was mentioned above, all the files are stored in the /media folder. Files from each organization are stored in an isolated subfolder with the organization's UUID as the subfolder's name.

When a user deletes a file, the file is also deleted from the server. But in case you delete an organization from the database, all the files that are associated with it are deleted only from the database and continue to be stored on the server, thus you should remove them manually.

Access the filled data

To get the last saved version of the YAML-data in plain text use http://<server's_IP>:<port>/<uuid>/yamldata.yml

To get files that the customer uploads see the media/<uuid>/ folder.

The commands output is stored in JSON format, here's an example:

  "FortiGate-100F": {
    "show system interface": "config system interface\n    edit \"dmz\"\n        set vdom \"root\"\n        set allowaccess ping https fgfm fabric\n        set type physical\n        set role dmz\n        set snmp-index 1\n    next\nend"
  "FortiManager-VM64": {
    "diag dvm adom list": "There are currently 0 ADOMs:\n---End ADOM list---"

To get this information use http://<server's_IP>:<port>/<uuid>/commands.json


A customer can provide you with editable feedback.


Building blocks

Models and forms

The main component of the project is OrganizationModel, which is defined in (all main files are stored in the main/ folder). It is used to create and store information about organizations in a database.

The DocumentModel is associated with OrganizationModel and is used to store information about the files that the customer uploads. See the file to get more information.

The OrganizationForm and DocumentForm correspond to the models and are used to create webform from the models' fields. See the file to get more information.

URLs and web output

All the URLs are defined in the file. Each URL corresponds to the web output—the view. A view defines the logic of the responses according to HTTP requests. See the file to get more information. Also, keep in mind that all the HTML files are stored in the main/templates/ directory.

Edit substitutions and input validation

If you want to define more values for default substitutions, you should edit the home.html file. They are defined in static_substituions variable:

static_substitutions = {
      "ip": "IPv4 адрес",
      "ip6": "IPv6 адрес",
      "port": "Порт"
      "gateway": "Шлюз",
      "gw": "Шлюз",
      "default gateway": "Шлюз по умолчанию",
      "default gw": "Шлюз по умолчанию",
      "ip_mask": "IPv4 адрес/маска",
      "ip6_mask": "IPv6 адрес/маска",
      "network": "Подсеть",
      "interfaces": "Интерфейсы",
      "syslog": "Syslog сервер",
      "aaa": "Сервер аутентификации",
      "ntp1": "Основной NTP сервер",
      "ntp2": "Резервный NTP сервер",
      "dns1": "Основной DNS сервер",
      "dns2": "Резервный DNS сервер"

Each process of input validation is a separate function. Once you've defined a new function, you should add it in the format_functions variable, which contains the format's name and the name associated with its function. If you want to use your function automatically with a specific label, you should add it in the static_formats variable.


The conversion of YAML-data to webform is implemented the next way: YAML-data → JSON → webform. If you want to change the visibility of the main form, edit the home.html file. To get more information about the editor, which is used to convert JSON to webform, see

Also, this JSON-editor is used to generate the "commands" page. Once you've provided a set of commands (in YAML format) for each device that you want the customer to execute in CLI, it is transformed in webform with text-areas as it's defined in the modules/ file.

The validation process is defined in the home.html file (with JavaScript code).

Unique substitutions and validation

A one-to-one relationship between the specific label's name and the substitution for it (label and format for its input) is established with the next steps:

  1. Get the original label's name.
  2. Write to the end of the name a random integer.
  3. Rewrite this specific label in YAML-data with the randomized one (from 2nd step).
  4. Associate the unique label's name from the 2nd step with the original one
  5. Associate substitution and format from the comment with the obtained from the 2nd step label's name.


Django web-application to collect baseline data from a customer






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