I used to love browsing Craigslist Buy/Sell postings, before the ticket scalpers found out about it. These days, it's nearly impossible to read the buy/sell listings, since for every legitimate seller, there's 4 ticket scalpers trying to hock their crap.
In order to cut through the Ticket seller listings, I wrote this quick Chrome extension which hides any posting with the word "Ticket" in it, or that's in the ticket category.
- Style Options page
Until I get the packaged version hosted, the raw files can be enabled as follows:
- Open chrome://extensions
- Enable Developer Mode (checkbox at the top of the page)
- Click "Load Unpacked Extension" and point to directory containing script files.
Version History:
0.1 - Filtered only the word "ticket"
0.2 - Added Options page, allowing customized keywords to be filtered from listings, keywords saved to chrome.storage. Renamed to Craigslist Post Filter.