The library of logic contains a set of example problems that can be used to train LLMs to think logically
Each example in the library is a simple problem/game that is easy for a human or a computer algorithm to solve, but hard for LLMs (currently) to solve
Some examples include, Sudoku and tic tac toe
Each example in the library of logic contains 3 things:
- A short description describing the format of the problem and the rules
- A computer program that taking a input in the correct format can
- compute the "next step"
- or produce an error if an invalid step has been taken
- optionally an explanation of why that step was taken (or invalid)
- some example problems, or a problem generation program
The goal of this library is ultimately to be able to produce a dataset of the following form:
Please solve this problem:
{ rules and format}
{example problem}
Certainly, I will work step-by-step. Here is first step:
{output of the first step of the computer program}
Good, keep going
Here is the next step
{output of the next step of the computer program}
Here is a list of problems that hypothetically would fit well in the library of logic
- Playing Chess
- Solving Sudoku
- Solving a Maze
- Planning a Multi-Stop Trip
- Tower of Hanoi
- Eight Queens Puzzle
- N-Queens Problem
- Solving Crossword Puzzles
- Peg Solitaire
- Playing Checkers
- Tic-Tac-Toe
- Minesweeper
- Playing Connect-4
- Magic Square
- Knights Tour
- Rat in a Maze
- Word Search
- Coin Change Problem
- Sum of Subsets
- Playing Mastermind
- Travelling Salesman Problem
- Playing Reversi
- Sorting a Hand of Playing Cards
- Marble Solitaire
- Chinese Checkers
- Chutes and Ladders
- Balderdash
- Jigsaw Puzzle Solving
- Cryptarithmetic Puzzles
- Palindromes Detection
- Determining Leap Years
- Counting Number of Islands
- Coloring a Map
- Playing Cribbage
- Finding Prime Numbers
- Bingo Game
- Nim Game
- Playing Spades
- Hidden Picture Puzzle
- Counting Money Change
- Matching Brackets
- Solving Paint-by-Numbers
- Solving Kakuro
- Finding Waldo
- Playing Pinochle
- Finding Eulerian Path
- Playing Whist
- Playing Old Maid
- Solving Word Ladder Puzzles
- Playing Rummy
- Solving Futoshiki
- Playing Hearts
- Making a Rhyme
- Playing Bridge
- Playing Crazy Eights
- Identifying Palindrome Sentences
- Calculating Area of Irregular Shapes
- Identifying Anagrams
- Solving Nonograms
- Detecting Cycle in a Directed Graph
- Playing Uno
- Playing Snap
- Calculating Tips
- 1D Cellular Automata
- Long multiplication
- Long Division
- Long Polynomial Division
- parity (compute the parity of a a binary sequence of arbitrary length)
- copy (copy a sequence, repeating each symbol k times)
- addition (arbitrary length)
- balanced parenthesis