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As of 2022-11-26, adding a tag corrupts some MP4 files (namely, videos I take with my phone and no other that I know of).
See quodlibet/mutagen#584.
Use at your own risk and backup data you care about.

Playtag is a simple tool that allows you to play audio and video files that have playback options – such as volume adjust, or starting playing the file in the middle – set in their tags (in the Playtag tag). You may want to do this if you want to apply a change to a media file, so that it takes effect every time the file is read, without reencoding the file.

A Playtag tag is a line of text that looks like this:

v1; t = 0:26; vol = +3dB

The player acts as a wrapper to MPlayer and VLC to read Playtag-tagged files. It also allows you to edit the Playtag tag on any supported file.

Files with a Playtag tag can still be read with a player that does not support Playtag; the tag will then simply be ignored.

The tag format is intended to be application-independent.


You may be interested in the following alternatives (some of which I didn't know about when I started writing Playtag):

  • ReplayGain tags, same as Playtag for volume adjust only
  • File-specific configuration for MPlayer and mpv, similar to Playtag but stored in separate files
  • The aspect ratio of a video is metadata so it can be changed without reencoding it, e.g. ffmpeg -i input.mkv -c copy -aspect 2.35 output.mkv.

Tag format

A Playtag tag is a semicolon-separated list of fields. The first field is always v1. Other fields are of the form <parameter> = <value>. Whitespace around ; and = is ignored.

Valid parameters are:

aspect-ratio = <string>

av-delay = <float>        (audio-video delay, in seconds)

mirror = true             (left<>right flip)

t = <time>-<time>         (start and stop times)
t = <time>[-]             (start time)
t = -<time>               (stop time)
    where <time> matches ((\d+:)?\d+:)?\d+(\.\d+)? (e.g. 1:26:03.14)

vol = <value> <unit>      (volume adjust)
    where <value> is a float
    and <unit> is "dB"/"decibel" or "vg"/"volt gain" or "sg"/"sone gain"
    e.g. -3.2dB  (whitespace between value and unit is optional)




playtag can read media files with (or without) a Playtag tag by acting as a wrapper to MPlayer or VLC. Do

Open with > VLC+playtag

from your file manager (you can set it as the default application), or from the command line:

$ playtag [ m[player] | v[lc] ] <file>+

You may want to alias it in your .bashrc or .zshrc:

alias mplayer='playtag mplayer'

playtag works by reading the tag of the file(s) to open, then calling MPlayer or VLC with the appropriate command-line arguments. As a consequence, doing Open... from inside VLC is not supported: the file will open but the tag will be ignored. When called on several files at a time, playtag will start one instance of MPlayer or VLC for each file, one after the other.


playtag allows you to get and set a given parameter on a file, or to raw-edit the whole Playtag tag of a file:

$ playtag s[et] t=10 toto.ogg

$ playtag g[et] t toto.ogg

$ playtag e[dit] toto.ogg
v1; t=10; _

You can also use any tag editor that lets you edit arbitrary tags and follow the above specification.



  • GNU/Linux (untested on other systems; status reports welcome)
  • Python 3 with
    • Mutagen (available via pip3 install mutagen)
    • (optional) python-magic (pip3 install python-magic)
  • MKVToolNix 16.x or older
  • MPlayer or VLC to play the files

To install once do sudo make install.

To get playtag with updates you can do:

git clone
cd playtag
sudo make lninstall  # creates symlinks

And then to update:

cd playtag
git pull


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