Native Android interface for OctoPrint.
If you find a bug please report it by using the issues section.
If there is some feature you think that should be implemented please do a pull request or report it in the issues section.
- Dagger2
- RxJava
- RxAndroid
- Retrofit
- JavaWebsocketClient
- OkHttp
- Gson
- GreenDAO
- AutoValue
- AutoValue Parcelable
- Google Play Services: Vision
- Butterknife
- EventBus
- LeakCanary
- Hugo
- android-apt
- gradle-apt-plugin
- Frodo
- Timber
- MPAndroidChart
- niqdev for his ipcam-view library
- mariogrip for his OctoDroid app
- Ale Estrada for their Octopus icon
- Gina Häußge for OctoPrint of course
- OctoPrint for use of their image