item_catalog is a simple python flask app that allows users to perform basic crud operations on categories and items in a catalog database.
Open Git or Git Bash in your workspace directory
Clone the GitHub repository
$ git clone
Navigate to project folder
$ cd item_catalog
Create and Configure Virtual Machine
$ vagrant up
Sign in to Virtual Machine
$ vagrant ssh
# If you have trouble signing in export the
# following environment variable and try again
Create and activate virtual environment
$ sudo su
$ mkdir /.virtualenvs
$ cd /.virtualenvs
$ python3 -m venv item_catalog
$ source item_catalog/bin/activate
Upgrade pip3
$ pip3 install --upgrade pip
Install Module Dependencies
$ cd /vagrant
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Log in to
- Create new project
- Type in a name for your project and click 'Create'
- Select your new project and on the credentials page 'Create credentials' with 'OAuth client ID'
- Configure consent screen by giving product a name to show users
- Select 'Web application' as application type
- Set Authorized redirect URI to 'htttp://localhost:5000/google_login/google/authorized'
- Open in Vim or other editor and insert Google CLient ID and Client Secret
- Save and exit
$ vim
- Log in to
- Add a new App
- Enter App display name and your email address
- Click on Basic under Settings tab
- Insert 'localhost' for the app domain
- Insert 'http://localhost:5000/' for the site url and save changes
- Click on the Products + tab to add Facebook Login
- Click on settings under the Facebook Login tab
- Click on Setup under Facebook Login
- Skip the Quickstart and click on Settings under the Facebook Login tab
- Insert 'http://localhost:5000/facebook_login/facebook/authorized' into valid OAuth redirect URIs and save changes.
- Open in Vim or other editor and insert Facebook App ID and App Secret
- Save and exit
$ vim
Export insecure transport environment variable to use with http on localhost
$ python3
Open app in browser at http://localhost:5000