I am Nalin Bhatt. I am currently pursuing a MA in Computational Social Science (Econ Concentration) at The University of Chicago. I did my undergraduate degree in Economics with a double Minor in Data Analysis and Math from George Mason University(class of 2021).
I previously worked as an Economics Intern at Agoric under Dr. Bill Tulloh and before that I was a research assistant to Dr. Kevin McCabe at The Center for the Study of Neuroeconomics.
I have contributed to the following projects
- Created an ABM model to represent Inter Protocol
- Created Actors to represent Vaults, Automated Market Maker , Parity Stability Module, and Liquidator
Decentralized Exchanges (ongoing)
- We are currently modelling the Uniswap v2 Exchange using mTree(python library for creating concurrent ABMs).
- Working paper Modeling Arbitrage with an Automated Market Maker
- We created an experiment in mTree to study the effects of online transaction escrow mechanism on trading behavior. (ongoing)
- The experiment is pending execution with human subjects
Voluntary Contribution Mechanism(VCM)
- Created an Agent Based Model to recreate VCM in mTree.
You can find me on Linkedin or contact me through my email nalinb@uchicago.edu