This tool monitors disk IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) and displays the top I/O-consuming processes and files on your system.
Run the script with Python:
python [options]
Or use the compiled executable:
pulse.exe [options]
: Number of top processes and files to display (default: 5)-t
: Refresh time in seconds (default: 1.0)-f
: Multiplier for file info update interval (default: 3)-l
: Prefix for log files (default: disk_io)
pulse.exe -n 10 -t 2 -f 5 -l my_log
This will display the top 10 I/O processes and files, refresh every 2 seconds, update file information every 10 seconds (2 * 5), and create log files with the prefix 'my_log'.
To compile the script into a standalone executable:
Install PyInstaller:
pip install pyinstaller
Navigate to the directory containing
Run PyInstaller:
py -m PyInstaller --onefile
Find the executable in the
- Monitors IOPS for all physical drives
- Displays top I/O-consuming processes
- Shows top I/O-intensive files (updated less frequently to improve performance)
- Real-time updates with customizable refresh rates
- Logs IOPS, process, and file I/O data to separate CSV files for further analysis
- Python 3.6+
- psutil library
To install psutil:
pip install psutil
Running the executable or script may require administrator privileges to access all system information. The file I/O information is gathered less frequently than process information to reduce system load.
The script creates three separate log files:
IOPS log file ({prefix}_iops.csv): Time,Drive,Read IOPS,Write IOPS,Max Read IOPS,Max Write IOPS
Process log file ({prefix}_processes.csv): Time,PID,Process,Total I/O (MB),Read I/O (MB),Write I/O (MB)
File log file ({prefix}_files.csv): Time,File Path,Read I/O (MB),Write I/O (MB)
These CSV formats allow for easy import into spreadsheet software for further analysis.