M5Stack series firmware to send 6DOF sensor(SH200Q or MPU6886) data and quaternion by Bluetooth serial port protocol(SPP).
This is demo. M5StickC calucutates and sends quaternion to PC by SPP. PC receives quaternion via serial port.
AxisOrange supports M5Unified devices. like
- M5Stack Gray (without MPU9250 model)
- M5Stack Core2
- M5StickC
- M5StickCPlus
This is AxisOrange data viewer by web serial port.
- Build and write AxisOrange.
- Paring AxisOrange with your PC.
- Open
. Reccomend: Google Chrome. - Push [list serial device] and select AxisOrange Port. May be named
. - AxisOrange can calculate and save gyro zero point error. push [gyro-offset install]
- You can copy raw output of AxisOrange as csv text.
AxisOrange sends raw value of 6DOF sensor.
- Acc(xyz) [G]
- Gyro(xyz) [deg/s]
AxisOrange calucutates quaternion by acc/gyro and sends it.
- Quaternion(xyzw)
AxisOrange sends button A/B(/C) push/release event trigger.
- Button A Push/Release event
- Button B Push/Release event
- Button C Push/Release event (if 3rd button is installed)
This project use PlatformIO.
- M5Unified and M5GFX
- BluetoothSerial
- Mahony filter