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This repository contains some scripts to create LXD instances suitable to be used as Github Actions runners as well as tools to spawn a set of such instances.
This will use LXD with a set of ephemeral instances which will then be added as Github Runners. Each of those will process exactly one job and then self-destroy. This is to avoid running jobs in unclean environments, preventing one job from impacting or attacking the next.
sudo apt-get install lxd-client
lxd init
#you can use all the defaults
#Add new storge pool called docker (docker needs btrfs to work properly, so we named its storage pool docker)
lxc storage create docker btrfs source=/var/lxd/disks size=30GB
For example, for an Ubuntu 20.04 container, you'd use:
lxc launch images:ubuntu/20.04 gh-runner
Setup a PAT (Personal access token) with access to the repos and orgs you want serviced.
- Enable the following scopes:
- repo
- workflow
- admin:org
- admin:repo_hook
Prepare the LXD container with all its depedencies (You might need to modify this to fit your needs)
./prepare-instance gh-runner
./respawn gh-runner RUNNER_COUNT PAT label1,label2
- gh-runner (or the name of your base container)
- RUNNER_COUNT : (number of gh-runners that will run in parallel)
- repository address
- PAT (starting with ghg_...)
- LABELS (optinal)
Create a cronjob that executes job above once per minute to respawn any number of missing runners :
crontab -e
* * * * * /path/to/lxd-runner/respawn gh-runner RUNNER_COUNT PAT