An ansible playbook to replace the bash install script with more flexibility given by ansible.
Latest version of ansible. This was only tested on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, should work on any debian or rhel variant, but not guarenteed.
These can be found in vars/main.yml:
<variable> : <default> # <Purpose>
restya_user: "restya" # database user used by restya
restya_pass: "hjVl2rGd22" # database user password used by restya
restya_db: "restyaboard" # restyaboard's db
restya_github: ""
restya_apps_github: ""
restya_install_dir: "/var/www/restyaboard"
download_dir: "/opt/restyaboard"
download_apps_dir: "{{ download_dir }}/client/apps"
db_host: "localhost"
db_port: 5432 # 5432 for postgres localhost, but use unix local sockets when able
db_user: "postgres"
db_pass: ""
db_conf: "/etc/postgresql/9.5/main/pg_hba.conf" # This varies host to host and postgres version to version...
domain: "{{ ansible_fqdn }}"
timezone: "America/Los_Angeles"
letsencrypt_challenge_name: "sample_com_challenge"
cert_country: "US"
company: "Shadey Security Wannabe"
cert_city: "Seattle"
cert_state: "Washington"
web_port: 443
provider: "nginx" # apache2 or nginx work
stage: "stable" #stable, dev or latest work
database: "postgresql" # postgresql, mariadb or mysql work
requirements: false # Set true to skip generic requirements install
stable_url: ""
The project relies on these dependencies:
- apparmor - unzip - jq - python-software-properties - libjpeg8 - php - postfix - php7.0-fpm - php7.0-cli - libpq5 - php7.0-pgsql - php7.0-mbstring - php7.0-ldap - php7.0-curl - gcc - dos2unix - imagemagick - php7.0-imap - php7.0-xml - wget - ca-certificates - php-geoip - php7.0-dev - libgeoip-dev - geoip-bin - geoip-database-extra - geoip-database - autotools-dev - automake - erlang - libyaml-dev - rebar - curl - debian-keyring - debian-archive-keyring - libnl-3-200 - libnl-3-dev - libnl-genl-3-200 - libnl-genl-3-dev - expat - python-pip - python-dev - libssl-dev - build-essential - libtool - autoconf - fail2ban - pip - psycopg2 - pyOpenSSL - pexpect - webserver (apache+mods or nginx) - SQL server (postgres+exts or soon mariadb)
See associated license file.
Written by ShadeyShades. See our Shadey Security github for more great projects!