Official nanos world Snippets for VSCode!
All Events should be named as CLASSNAME:SubscribeEVENTNAME
, e.g.: "Client:SubscribeKeyUp
& Character:SubscribeDeath
All Methods should be named as CLASSNAME:METHODNAME
, e.g.: "Player:GetControlledCharacter
& Server:BroadcastChatMessage
All Static Classes can follow the example of Server.json
The prefixes of Static Classes Methods must contain the Class name and the method separated with :
, e.g.: Package:GetDirectories
& Package:Subscribe("Load")
The prefixes of Static Classes Events should be named following the pattern CLASSNAME:SubscribeEVENTNAME
, e.g.: "Client:SubscribeKeyUp
All Classes can follow the example of WebUI.json
The prefixes of Classes Methods must contain only the method started with :
, e.g.: :SetViewMode
& :SetHealth
The prefixes of Classes Events should be following the pattern :SubscribeEVENTNAME
, e.g.: ":SubscribeTakeDamage