The first step to a spiritual path should involve a profound journey of self-discovery and transformation through entheogenic experiences where individuals will find a dissolution of boundaries that have been set up through millennia of conditioning the subconscious mind. By practicing the dissolution of boundaries, our perception expands infinitely, opening itself to a deeper innerstanding of the interconnectedness of all existence. These experiences serve as catalysts for expanding consciousness beyond the limitations of the ego, allowing us to tap into universal truths and transcendental insights. The evolution of consciousness hinges on one's willingness to embrace these transformative experiences with openness and receptivity. By shedding fears and confronting internal conflicts, individuals can pave the way for personal growth and contribute to a more harmonious world.
This practice involves a delicate balancing between acknowledging the ego's role in shaping identity and behavior while striving to align with higher states of awareness and compassion.
Central to this spiritual journey is the recognition of humanity's collective ego and its potential for both constructive and destructive manifestations. All beings are co-creating the manifest reality. The all is Mind. The Universe is Mental. Therefore work to purify first the Mind and the All will follow As Above So Below. As Within So Without
The Mind can be programmed and conditioned. Nurturing the mind with empathy, innerstanding, unconditional love, and purity, the Mind can be conditioned in such a way that the reality it creates is blissful and pure. This will take practice, be patient, meditate. Only when the mind is pure will it radiate its wealth and wisdom upon others and the world. Work towards resolving internal conflicts. When there is internal conflict, there is contradiction and hypocrisy. Many times people are unaware of these contradictions and hypocrosies until they have taken the time to examine the self. Prioritize then Actions based on Values. Prove to the self what it is capable of, and therein lies keys to your power.
May our first goal as a species be to create a world where suffering in all its forms —be it poverty, war, hunger, or injustice— is eradicated. Buddhism and Taosim will serve those on this path to speed up the process along with other practices that are focused on Refining the Self.
In light of humanities historical lessons and the atrocities committed there has ever been a pressing need to address the darker aspects of human nature and strive towards a global consciousness rooted in peace, unity, and mutual respect, which should increase reciprocally along with our technological advancements.
Each individual plays a vital role in shaping this collective evolution by embracing personal growth, self mastery, self refinement, fostering empathy, and actively working towards a world where harmony prevails over discord. This can be simpler than one can imagine, by choosing to work on achieving one's Ikigai which through mapping 3 important aspects (What you love, What you are Good at, What the World Needs) one can assure that they are doing their part and contributing with their love and passion which is truly all the world needs during the transition to the evolution of consciousness. Most people would agree that if they went to a restaurant and ordered food, they would prefer that the people cooking the food would do so with love and care, not with stress, anger, and negative vibes. Find, Practice, and achieve you Ikigai and you will have completed the first step to Innerstanding. Refine and Master the Self. This is where Consciousness exceeds anything Technology can provide.