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Kyoto Visualization System

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Kyoto Visualization System (KVS) is a multi-platform, open-source C++ library for developing scientific visualization applications. KVS provides various classes and interfaces, such as isosurace extraction, streamlines and volume rendering, to visualize medical data obtained by computerized tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, numerical data from computational fluid dynamics and so on.


Getting KVS

The source code of KVS can be downloaded via GitHub as follows:

$ git clone


The environment variable KVS_DIR should be set to an install directory of KVS, and the binary directory KVS_DIR/bin which includes several KVS commands should be add to the PATH variable.


export KVS_DIR=~/local/kvs
export PATH=$KVS_DIR/bin:$PATH


Variable Value
KVS_DIR C:\Program Files\kvs

Support software package

KVS supports the following software packages. By checking (changing 0:disable to 1:enable) the enable/support flags corresponding to each package in kvs.conf, the functionalities provided from them can be available in KVS.

Package Flag Description
OpenGL KVS_ENABLE_OPENGL Flag for enabling OpenGL functionalities. If '0' (disable) is specified for this flag, the renderer classes implemented with OpenGL functions in the visualization modules will be unavailable.
GLU KVS_ENABLE_GLU Flag for enabling GLU (OpenGL Utility Library) functionalities. KVS can be complied even if this flag is zero.
GLEW KVS_ENABLE_GLEW Flag for enabling GLEW (OpenGL Extension Wrangler Library) functionalities. Note: GLEW needs to be installed to compile KVS on Windows environments.
OpenMP KVS_ENABLE_OPENMP Flag for enabling OpenMP functionalities. OpenMP supported compiler is required.
(Deprecated functions) KVS_ENABLE_DEPRECATED Flag for enabling the deprecated functions and classes in KVS. Note: Although the deprecated functions and classes can be available by checking this flag, but not recommended.
GLUT KVS_SUPPORT_GLUT Flag for supporting GLUT functions. The screen class based on the GLUT is provided. See SupportGLUT for setting information.
GLFW KVS_SUPPORT_GLFW Flag for supporting GLFW functions. The screen class based on the GLFW is provided. Note: GLUT or GLFW is required for developing viewer application with KVS. See SupportGLFW for setting information.
FFmpeg KVS_SUPPORT_FFMPEG Flag for supporting FFmpeg functions. See SupportFFmpeg for setting information.
OpenCV KVS_SUPPORT_OPENCV Flag for supporting OpenCV functions. See SupportOpenCV for setting information.
Qt KVS_SUPPORT_QT Flag for supporting Qt classes. The screen class based on the Qt. See SupportQt for setting information.
Python KVS_SUPPORT_PYTHON Flag for supporting Python in KVS. By using these classes, python codes can be called in c++ codes. See SupportPython for setting information.
MPI KVS_SUPPORT_MPI Flag for supporting MPI functions. Note: MPI compiler is required. See SupportMPI for setting information.
EGL KVS_SUPPORT_EGL Flag for supporting EGL (The Khronos Native Platform Graphics Interface) functions. By checking this flag, GPU-based off-screen class is provided. See SupportEGL for setting information.
OSMesa KVS_SUPPORT_OSMESA Flag for supporting OSMesa (Off-screen Mesa) functions. By checking this flag, CPU-based off-screen class is provided. See SupportOSMesa for setting information.

Build and install

By using the make command, KVS can be easily build and install to KVS_DIR.

  • Windows
$ cd KVS
$ nmake
$ nmake install
  • Linux and Mac OS X
$ cd KVS
$ make
$ make install


KVS is released under BSD 3-Clause License. See LICENSE for details.

  • KVS/Source/Core/NanoVG uses nanovg (zlib license) and stb (Public Domain, MIT license).
  • KVS/Source/Core/FileFormat/XML uses tinyxml (zlib license).
  • KVS/Source/SupportMPI/Renderer/ImageCompositor uses 234Compositor (2-clause BSD license).
  • KVS/Source/SupportFFmpeg/AvCpp uses AvCpp (3-clause BSD license).


Naohisa Sakamoto and Koji Koyamada, KVS: A simple and effective framework for scientific visualization, Journal of Advanced Simulation in Science and Engineering (JASSE), Vol. 2, Issue 1, pp. 76-95, 2015.