- This is a code repository for the book "Build and Learn: AI App Development for Beginners - Unleashing ChatGPT API with LangChain & Streamlit."
- You can copy & paste the code from this repository and run it using "streamlit run chapter_XX.py".
- If you find any mistakes, please create an issue to let us know.
This program is just for running Streamlit for the first time.
A very simple chat application (ChatGPT clone app).
An improved version of chapter_03.py
An app that takes a URL as input, retrieves the content of that page, and generates a summary.
An app that takes a Youtube URL as input, retrieves the content of that video, and generates a summary.
An enhanced version of chapter_07.py
that can summarize very long videos.
An incomplete code for an app where you can upload a PDF and ask questions about its content.
The complete code for an app where you can upload a PDF and ask questions about its content.