This repo contains the code for my website, developed using React.js.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
- Node.js
Install the dependencies
npm install
Start the development server
npm start
This project follows the Conventional Commits specification and uses Commitizen to assist with this commit style.
Committing code changes using Commitizen
npm run cm
This project uses Prettier to enforce a consistent code style. Prettier is run automatically before commits, thanks to Husky.
This project uses Bumped for changelog generation and release versioning.
Installing the prerequisite tools
npm install -g bumped bumped-terminal bumped-changelog bumped-finepack
Dependening on the type of the release execute bumped
bumped release <major|premajor|minor|preminor|patch|prepatch|prerelease>