Computer Technologies Chair and Information Systems Chair / Information Technologies and Programming Faculty / Translational Information Technologies MegaFaculty
Completely all source code, written by me while at ITMO University, except some project's sources.
It's not an "open-source project", that means code style sometimes leaves a lot to be desired, but I did my best.
If you're here for my code of labs/homework: NO GOD! PLEASE NO! NOOOOO!!!
Do not copy-paste! Review it and write your own! It's better for you.
Sources, that belongs to the discipline of the current term, not merged to the master branch.
See topic branches for latest changes.
- CT algorithms - Algorithms and Data Structures - 1-3 term
- IS algorithms - Algorithms and Data Structures (only some of labs) - 5-6 term
- CT android - Android - 3 term
- CT cpp - C/C++ language - 2 term
- CT discrete-math - Discrete math - 1-3 term
- CT java-advanced - Java technologies (Java advanced) - 4 term
- CT math-logic - Math logic - 3 term
- CT programming-paradigms - Programming paradigms (Java, JavaScript, Clojure) - 2 term
- IS programming-technologies - Programming technologies - 6 term
- IS web - Web programming - 5 term
Sometimes you can find some submodules (remote repositories). It's worth paying attention to them, because they're contains initial sources, statements or other useful things.
- ifmo-kt by @egormkn, with a homepage at
- ifmo-code by @DimaStoyanov
- Some repos by @Oktai15
- Some repos by @Katsz
- ... here could be your advertising
I didn't attach statements due to most of them are typical, or you can guess the initial statement by source code. But feel free to create a new issue w/ a ref. to the problem. I'll provide you a link to the problem set PDF, or describe it myself.
- It's easier to maintain in this case
- It's harder to copy-paste multiple files at once 😈
- It's easy to merge w/ a Google Drive repository, where my other edu-related documents are located
For Kotlin template - here.
For Java template (slightly outdated, compared to the Kotlin template) - here.
There is no license due to it's my private code, that means you have no permission to use, modify, or share the code in this repo.
But you're free to explore the code.
All third party libraries and code written by other authors, belongs to their authors.