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Machine learning methods for irregularly spaced time series

Conda environment

  • On Adapt load modules: gcc/12.1.0, nvidia/12.1
  • If mamba is not available, install miniforge (or load mamba module)
  • Execute the following to set up a conda environment for astrotime:
Torch Environment (Current)
>   * mamba create -n ninja python=3.10
>   * mamba activate astrotime
>   * pip install torch jupyterlab==4.0.13 ipywidgets==7.8.4 cuda-python jupyterlab_widgets ipykernel==6.29 ipympl ipython==8.26 xarray netCDF4
>   * pip install torchcde torchdiffeq hydra-core rich  scikit-learn 
Tensorflow Environment (Deprecated)
>   * mamba create -n ninja python=3.10
>   * mamba activate astrotime
>   * pip install tensorflow[and-cuda] tensorboard jupyterlab==4.0.13 ipywidgets==7.8.4 jupyterlab_widgets ipykernel==6.29 ipympl ipython==8.26 xarray netCDF4
>   * pip install hydra-core rich termcolor scikit-learn

Dataset Preparation

  • The project data directory on explore is: /explore/nobackup/projects/ilab/data/astrotime.
  • This project uses a baseline dataset of artificially generated sinusoids, downloadable from a sharepoint folder.
  • The raw dataset has been downloaded to explore at: {datadir}/sinusoids/npz.
  • The script .workflow/ has been used to convert the .npz files to netcdf format.
  • The netcdf files, which are used in this project's ML workflows, can be found at: {datadir}/sinusoids/nc.


This project provides two ML workflows: * Baseline (.workflow/ This workflow runs the baseline CNN (developed by Brian Powell) which takes only timeseries value data as input. * WWZ (.workflow/ This workflow runs the same baseline CNN operating on a weighted wavelet z-transform, which enfolds both the time and value data from the timeseries. The *_small versions execute the workflows on a subset (1/10) of the full training dataset. The workflows save checkpoint files at the end of each epoch. By default the model is initialized with any existing checkpoint file at the begining of script execution. To execute the script with a new set of checkpoints (while keeping the old ones), create a new script with a different value of the version parameter (and a new defaults hydra yaml file with the same name in the config dir).


The workflows are configured using hydra.

  • All hydra yaml configuration files are found under .config.
  • The workflow configurations can be modified at runtime as supported by hydra.
  • For example, the following command runs the baseline workflow on gpu 3 with random initialization (i.e. ignoring & overwriting any existing checkpoints):

    python workflow/ platform.gpu=3 train.refresh_state=True

  • To run validation (no training), execute:

    python workflow/ train.mode=valid platform.gpu=0

Configuration Parameters

Here is a partial list of configuration parameters with typical values. Their values are configured in the hydra yaml files and reconfigurable on the command line:

   platform.project_root:  "/explore/nobackup/projects/ilab/data/astrotime"   # Base directory for all saved files
   platform.gpu: 0                                                            # Index of gpu to execcute on
   platform.log_level: "info"                                                 # Log level: typically debug or info
   data.source: sinusoid                                            # Dataset type (currently only sinusoid is supported)
   data.dataset_root:  "${platform.project_root}/sinusoids/nc"      # Location of processed netcdf files
   data.dataset_files:  "padded_sinusoids_*.nc"                     # Glob pattern for file names
   data.file_size: 1000                                             # Number of sinusoids in a single nc file
   data.batch_size: 50                                              # Batch size for training
   data.validation_fraction: 0.1                                    # Fraction of training dataset that is used for validation
   data.dset_reduction: 1.0                                         # Fraction of the full dataset that is used for training/validation
   transform.series_length: 1536                         # Length of subset of input timeseries to process
   transform.nfeatures: 1                                # Number of feaatures to be passed to network
   transform.sparsity: 0.0                               # Fraction of observations to drop (randomly)
   model.cnn_channels: 64                                # Number of channels in first CNN layer
   model.dense_channels: 64                              # Number of channels in dense layer
   model.out_channels: 1                                 # Number of network output channels
   model.num_cnn_layers: 3                               # Number of CNN layers in a CNN block
   model.num_blocks: 7                                   # Number of CNN blocks in the network
   model.pool_size: 2                                    # Max pool size for every block
   model.stride: 1                                       # Stride value for every CNN layer
   model.kernel_size: 3                                  # Kernel size for every CNN layer
   model.cnn_expansion_factor: 4                         # Increase in the number of channels from one CNN layer to the next
   train.optim: rms                                              # Optimizer 1e-3                                                # Learning rate
   train.nepochs: 5000                                           #  Training Epochs
   train.refresh_state: False                                    # Start from random weights (Ignore & overwrite existing checkpoints)
   train.overwrite_log: True                                     # Start new log file
   train.results_path: "${platform.project_root}/results"        # Checkpoint and log files are saved under this directory
   train.weight_decay: 0.0                                       # Weight decay parameter for optimizer
   train.mode:  train                                            # execution mode: 'train' or 'valid'


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