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Recorder Communicator

meganlim edited this page Aug 3, 2018 · 7 revisions


This communicator is used to record all data to a delimited file. The file includes a header row with the names of each value.


A header line is written to the top of the file, which is written in the following format: Timestamp, [Data In], [Prognostic Results], time.

Timestamp includes the current date and time. Data in is the input data keys from the communicators. Prognostic Results are the outputs of the prognosers.


This class will look for the following optional configuration parameters:

Parameter Description
saveFile [Optional] The file to be recorded to
recordProbOccur [Optional] If ‘true’ the probability of occurrence will be written to the file
recordOccurance [Optional] If ‘true’ the occurrence matrix will be written to the file
recordPredictions [Optional] If ‘true’ the predictions will be written to the file, otherwise only the curent timestep will be recorded
recordSystemTrajectories [Optional] If ‘true’ the system trajectories will be written to the file