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1811 dont override users cc and cpp env for data products #992

1811 dont override users cc and cpp env for data products

1811 dont override users cc and cpp env for data products #992

GitHub Actions / Results_Trick_rockylinux8_py3 succeeded Dec 12, 2024 in 0s

933 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

Report Passed Failed Skipped Time
Bitfield_tests.xml 7✅ 0ms
ConnectionHandlers.xml 75✅ 18ms
create_path_test.xml 6✅ 1ms
dbl_is_near.xml 15✅ 1ms
dllist_unittest.xml 40✅ 1ms
Executive.xml 31✅ 7ms
flt_is_near.xml 15✅ 0ms
GetTimeOfDayClock.xml 6✅ 300ms
Integrator.xml 10✅ 9ms
Interpolator.xml 2✅ 0ms
lqueue_unittest.xml 11✅ 0ms
MM_alloc_deps.xml 10✅ 1ms
MM_clear_var_unittest.xml 17✅ 1ms
MM_creation_unittest.xml 2✅ 0ms
MM_declare_extern_var_unittest.xml 23✅ 1ms
MM_declare_var_2_unittest.xml 22✅ 1ms
MM_declare_var_unittest.xml 41✅ 2ms
MM_delete_var_unittest.xml 5✅ 1ms
MM_get_enumerated.xml 1✅ 0ms
MM_JSON_Intf.xml 3✅ 0ms
MM_read_checkpoint.xml 12✅ 2ms
MM_ref_attributes_unittest.xml 2✅ 0ms
MM_ref_name_from_address.xml 9✅ 0ms
MM_resize_array_unittest.xml 6✅ 1ms
MM_sizeof_type_unittest.xml 21✅ 1ms
MM_stl_checkpoint.xml 34✅ 19ms
MM_stl_restore.xml 33✅ 19ms
MM_strdup_unittest.xml 1✅ 0ms
MM_trick_type_char_string.xml 26✅ 0ms
MM_write_checkpoint_hexfloat.xml 2✅ 0ms
MM_write_checkpoint.xml 30✅ 3ms
MM_write_var_unittest.xml 18✅ 1ms
MonteCarlo_exceptions.xml 3✅ 997ms
MonteCarlo.xml 24✅ 5ms
ScheduledJobQueue.xml 11✅ 0ms
TEST_var_binary_parser.xml 52✅ 1ms
TrickComm.xml 18✅ 1ms
Unicode_utils.xml 38✅ 0ms
UnitConvTestSuite.xml 2✅ 0ms
UnitTestEulerQuat.xml 18✅ 1ms
UnitTestSuite.xml 110✅ 3ms
VariableReference_test.xml 27✅ 136ms
VariableReference_writeValueAscii_test.xml 11✅ 48ms
VariableReference_writeValueBinary_test.xml 8✅ 38ms
VariableServer_test.xml 10✅ 1ms
VariableServerListenThread_test.xml 13✅ 18s
VariableServerSession_test.xml 44✅ 1s
VariableServerSessionThread_test.xml 8✅ 13ms

✅ Bitfield_tests.xml

7 tests were completed in 0ms with 7 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
BitfieldsTest 7✅ 0ms

✅ BitfieldsTest

✅ UnsignedInt
✅ UnsignedChar
✅ UnsignedShort
✅ Int
✅ Char
✅ Short
✅ Mix

✅ ConnectionHandlers.xml

75 tests were completed in 18ms with 75 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MulticastGroupTest 10✅ 0ms
TCPClientListenerTest 28✅ 12ms
TCPConnectionTest 16✅ 0ms
UDPConnectionTest 21✅ 6ms

✅ MulticastGroupTest

✅ not_initialized
✅ initialize
✅ initialize_socket_fails
✅ initialize_sockopt_reuseaddr_fails
✅ initialize_sockopt_reuseport_fails
✅ add_address
✅ add_address_fails
✅ broadcast_uninitialized
✅ broadcast
✅ broadcast_send_fails

✅ TCPClientListenerTest

✅ initialized
✅ initialize_localhost_0
✅ initialize_localhost_54321
✅ initialize_no_args
✅ initialize_localhost_numerical_54321
✅ initialize_invalid_hostname
✅ failed_socket
✅ failed_setsockopt_reuseaddr
✅ failed_setsockopt_buffering
✅ failed_bind
✅ failed_sockname
✅ failed_listen
✅ checkForNewConnections_uninitialized
✅ checkForNewConnections
✅ checkForNewConnections_select_error
✅ setBlockMode_false
✅ setBlockMode_nonblocking
✅ setBlockMode_blocking
✅ setBlockMode_fcntl_getfl_fail
✅ setBlockMode_fcntl_setfl_fail
✅ validateSourceAddress_localhost
✅ validateSourceAddress_junk
✅ checkSocket
✅ checkSocket_uninitialized
✅ disconnect
✅ disconnect_uninitialized
✅ setupNewConnection
✅ setupNewConnection_uninitialized

✅ TCPConnectionTest

✅ initialized
✅ initialized_accept_failure
✅ setBlockMode_nonblocking
✅ setBlockMode_blocking
✅ setBlockMode_fcntl_getfl_fail
✅ setBlockMode_fcntl_setfl_fail
✅ write_string
✅ write_binary_buf
✅ write_string_uninitialized
✅ write_binary_buf_uninitialized
✅ read_nonewline
✅ read
✅ read_nodata
✅ read_other_error
✅ read_uninitialized
✅ disconnect

✅ UDPConnectionTest

✅ initialize_localhost_0
✅ initialize_localhost_54321
✅ initialize_localhost_numerical_54321
✅ initialize_invalid_hostname
✅ failed_socket
✅ failed_setsockopt_reuseaddr
✅ failed_bind
✅ failed_sockname
✅ setBlockMode_nonblocking
✅ setBlockMode_blocking
✅ setBlockMode_fcntl_getfl_fail
✅ setBlockMode_fcntl_setfl_fail
✅ write_string
✅ write_binary_buf
✅ write_string_uninitialized
✅ write_binary_buf_uninitialized
✅ read_nonewline
✅ read
✅ read_nodata
✅ read_other_error
✅ read_uninitialized

✅ create_path_test.xml

6 tests were completed in 1ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
CreatePathTest 6✅ 1ms

✅ CreatePathTest

✅ BasicTest
✅ PreExistingDir
✅ PreExistingInPath
✅ FileInPath
✅ AbsolutePath
✅ dotdotinpath

✅ dbl_is_near.xml

15 tests were completed in 1ms with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
dbl_is_near_unittest 15✅ 1ms

✅ dbl_is_near_unittest

✅ Simple_1
✅ Simple_2
✅ Simple_3
✅ Simple_4
✅ Simple_5
✅ A_is_FP_NAN
✅ B_is_FP_NAN
✅ A_and_B_are_identical
✅ Within_MinimumTolerance
✅ Exactly_Minimum_Tolerance
✅ Greater_than_Minimum_Tolerance
✅ Tolerance_greater_than_minimum
✅ Tolerance_is_small_enough

✅ dllist_unittest.xml

40 tests were completed in 1ms with 40 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
dllist_test 40✅ 1ms

✅ dllist_test

✅ DLL_Delete_null_list
✅ DLL_Create
✅ DLL_Init
✅ DLL_Init_null_list
✅ DLL_GetCount_null_list
✅ DLL_GetHeadPosition_null_list
✅ DLL_GetTailPosition_null_list
✅ DLL_AddHead
✅ DLL_AddHead_null_list
✅ DLL_AddTail
✅ DLL_AddTail_null_list
✅ DLL_InsertBefore
✅ DLL_InsertAfter
✅ DLL_GetNext
✅ DLL_GetNext_null_pos
✅ DLL_GetNext_null_list
✅ DLL_GetPrev
✅ DLL_GetPrev_null_pos
✅ DLL_GetPrev_null_list
✅ DLL_Find
✅ DLL_Find_null_list
✅ DLL_Find_null_compare_function
✅ DLL_GetAt
✅ DLL_GetAt_null_list
✅ DLL_GetAt_null_pos
✅ DLL_GetAt_list_doesnt_contain_node
✅ DLL_SetAt
✅ DLL_SetAt_null_list
✅ DLL_SetAt_null_pos
✅ DLL_SetAt_list_doesnt_contain_node
✅ DLL_FindPos
✅ DLL_FindPos_null_list
✅ DLL_FindIndex
✅ DLL_FindIndex_null_list
✅ DLL_RemoveAt_head
✅ DLL_RemoveAt_tail
✅ DLL_RemoveAt_from_middle
✅ DLL_RemoveAt_from_single_node_list
✅ DLL_RemoveAt_null_list
✅ DLL_RemoveAll

✅ Executive.xml

31 tests were completed in 7ms with 31 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ExecutiveTest 31✅ 7ms

✅ ExecutiveTest

✅ AddSimObject
✅ AddJobsToQueue
✅ JobQueueNonScheduledIDs
✅ AddScheduledJobClass
✅ JobQueueStartIndex
✅ JobQueueNameOrder
✅ AddDepends
✅ UnhandledJobs
✅ JobCycleNotDivisibleByTimeTic
✅ GoodInitialization
✅ ErrorDefaultData
✅ ErrorInputProcessor
✅ ErrorInitialization
✅ ExeceptionDefaultData
✅ ExeceptionInputProcessor
✅ ExeceptionInitialization
✅ IntegerTime
✅ DefaultTimeTicValue
✅ AdvanceSimTimeToNextJob
✅ AdvanceSimTimeToBoundary
✅ Checkpoint
✅ ClearScheduledQueues
✅ Moding
✅ GetJob
✅ JobCycle
✅ SetSignalHandlers
✅ JobOnOff
✅ SimObjectJobsOnOff
✅ SimObjectOnOff
✅ LockMemory
✅ SetThreadParameters

✅ flt_is_near.xml

15 tests were completed in 0ms with 15 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
flt_is_near_unittest 15✅ 0ms

✅ flt_is_near_unittest

✅ Simple_1
✅ Simple_2
✅ Simple_3
✅ Simple_4
✅ Simple_5
✅ A_is_FP_NAN
✅ B_is_FP_NAN
✅ A_and_B_are_identical
✅ Within_MinimumTolerance
✅ Exactly_Minimum_Tolerance
✅ Greater_than_Minimum_Tolerance
✅ Tolerance_greater_than_minimum
✅ PrintNumbers

✅ GetTimeOfDayClock.xml

6 tests were completed in 300ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
GetTimeOfDayClockTest 6✅ 300ms

✅ GetTimeOfDayClockTest

✅ Initialize
✅ ClockSimRatio
✅ ClockRTRatio
✅ ClockSpin
✅ ReferenceTime
✅ ClockSync

✅ Integrator.xml

10 tests were completed in 9ms with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
IntegratorLoopTest 1✅ 0ms
IntegratorTest 9✅ 9ms

✅ IntegratorLoopTest

✅ Job_Queue_Init

✅ IntegratorTest

✅ Ball_Euler
✅ Ball_Euler_Cromer
✅ Ball_Runge_Kutta_2
✅ Ball_Modified_Midpoint_4
✅ Ball_Runge_Kutta_4
✅ Ball_Runge_Kutta_Gill_4
✅ Ball_Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg_45
✅ Ball_Runge_Kutta_Fehlberg_78
✅ Ball_UserDefined

✅ Interpolator.xml

2 tests were completed in 0ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
Interpolator_unittest 2✅ 0ms

✅ Interpolator_unittest

✅ OneDimension
✅ TwoDimension

✅ lqueue_unittest.xml

11 tests were completed in 0ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
lqueue_test 11✅ 0ms

✅ lqueue_test

✅ LQUEUE_Create
✅ LQUEUE_Delete
✅ LQUEUE_Delete_null
✅ LQUEUE_Init_null
✅ LQUEUE_EnQ_null_queue
✅ LQUEUE_DeQ_null_queue
✅ LQUEUE_Peek_null_queue

✅ MM_alloc_deps.xml

10 tests were completed in 1ms with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_alloc_deps 10✅ 1ms

✅ MM_alloc_deps

✅ dbl_singleton
✅ dbl_pointer
✅ dbl_array
✅ dbl_array_pointers
✅ udt_singleton_no_deps
✅ udt_singleton_self_referential
✅ udt_singleton_deps
✅ udt_pointer
✅ udt_array_no_deps
✅ udt_array_deps

✅ MM_clear_var_unittest.xml

17 tests were completed in 1ms with 17 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_clear_var 17✅ 1ms

✅ MM_clear_var

✅ test_char
✅ test_char_named
✅ test_string
✅ test_bool
✅ test_wchar_t
✅ test_short
✅ test_int
✅ test_enum
✅ test_long
✅ test_float
✅ test_double
✅ test_long_long
✅ test_bitfield
✅ test_composite_type
✅ 1d_array_of_structures
✅ 2d_array_of_structures
✅ all_vars

✅ MM_creation_unittest.xml

2 tests were completed in 0ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_creation 2✅ 0ms

✅ MM_creation

✅ NonNull
✅ Singleton

✅ MM_declare_extern_var_unittest.xml

23 tests were completed in 1ms with 23 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_declare_extern_var 23✅ 1ms

✅ MM_declare_extern_var

✅ Character
✅ UnsignedCharacter
✅ Short
✅ UnsignedShort
✅ Integer
✅ UnsignedInteger
✅ Long
✅ UnsignedLong
✅ Float
✅ Double
✅ LongLong
✅ UnsignedLongLong
✅ Boolean
✅ WideCharacter
✅ AnonOneDimDoubleArray
✅ NamedOneDimDoubleArray
✅ AnonOneDimDoublePtrArray
✅ AnonTwoDimDoubleArray
✅ AnonThreeDimDoubleArray
✅ UserDefinedSingleton
✅ UserDefinedOneDimArray
✅ UserDefinedTwoDimArray
✅ three_argument_version

✅ MM_declare_var_2_unittest.xml

22 tests were completed in 1ms with 22 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_declare_var_2 22✅ 1ms

✅ MM_declare_var_2

✅ Character
✅ UnsignedCharacter
✅ Short
✅ UnsignedShort
✅ Integer
✅ UnsignedInteger
✅ Long
✅ UnsignedLong
✅ Float
✅ Double
✅ LongLong
✅ UnsignedLongLong
✅ Boolean
✅ WideCharacter
✅ AnonOneDimDoubleArray
✅ NamedOneDimDoubleArray
✅ AnonOneDimDoublePtrArray
✅ AnonTwoDimDoubleArray
✅ AnonThreeDimDoubleArray
✅ UserDefinedSingleton
✅ UserDefinedOneDimArray
✅ UserDefinedTwoDimArray

✅ MM_declare_var_unittest.xml

41 tests were completed in 2ms with 41 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_declare_var 41✅ 2ms

✅ MM_declare_var

✅ Character
✅ String
✅ wchar
✅ SignedCharacter
✅ INT8_T
✅ UnsignedCharacter
✅ Short
✅ SignedShort
✅ INT16_T
✅ UnsignedShort
✅ UINT16_T
✅ Integer
✅ SignedInteger
✅ INT32_T
✅ UnsignedInteger
✅ UINT32_T
✅ INT64_T
✅ UINT64_T
✅ Long
✅ SignedLong
✅ UnsignedLong
✅ SignedLongLong
✅ Float
✅ Double
✅ LongLong
✅ UnsignedLongLong
✅ Boolean
✅ WideCharacter
✅ NamedVariable
✅ AnonOneDimDoubleArray
✅ NamedOneDimDoubleArray
✅ NamedOneDimDoubleArrayHexIndex
✅ AnonOneDimDoublePtrArray
✅ AnonTwoDimDoubleArray
✅ AnonThreeDimDoubleArray
✅ TooManyDimensions
✅ UserDefinedSingleton
✅ UserDefinedOneDimArray
✅ UserDefinedTwoDimArray

✅ MM_delete_var_unittest.xml

5 tests were completed in 1ms with 5 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_delete_var_unittest 5✅ 1ms

✅ MM_delete_var_unittest

✅ CXX_object_constructor_destructor
✅ var_exists
✅ byName
✅ externByAddress
✅ externByName

✅ MM_get_enumerated.xml

1 tests were completed in 0ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_get_enumerated 1✅ 0ms

✅ MM_get_enumerated

✅ test1

✅ MM_JSON_Intf.xml

3 tests were completed in 0ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_JSON_intf 3✅ 0ms

✅ MM_JSON_intf

✅ Write_Named_Local_C_Alloc_Info
✅ Write_Anon_Extern_CPP_Alloc_Info
✅ Write_Alloc_Info_List

✅ MM_read_checkpoint.xml

12 tests were completed in 2ms with 12 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_read_checkpoint 12✅ 2ms

✅ MM_read_checkpoint

✅ string
✅ array_of_double
✅ multi_array_of_double
✅ multi_array_of_double2
✅ hexfloat
✅ enum_test
✅ bool_test
✅ 2D_char_array
✅ WrappedStl
✅ WrappedStlPreDeclared
✅ encapsulated_stl_test
✅ encapsulated_stl_test_stl_disabled

✅ MM_ref_attributes_unittest.xml

2 tests were completed in 0ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_ref_attributes 2✅ 0ms

✅ MM_ref_attributes

✅ NormalCases
✅ FailureCases

✅ MM_ref_name_from_address.xml

9 tests were completed in 0ms with 9 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_ref_name_from_address 9✅ 0ms

✅ MM_ref_name_from_address

✅ test1
✅ test2
✅ test3
✅ test4
✅ test5
✅ test6
✅ test7
✅ test8
✅ test9

✅ MM_resize_array_unittest.xml

6 tests were completed in 1ms with 6 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_resize_array 6✅ 1ms

✅ MM_resize_array

✅ Three_args_with_address_Case1
✅ Three_args_with_address_Case2
✅ Three_args_with_address_Case3
✅ Three_args_with_name_Case1
✅ Two_args_with_address_Case1
✅ Two_args_with_name_Case1

✅ MM_sizeof_type_unittest.xml

21 tests were completed in 1ms with 21 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_sizeof_type 21✅ 1ms

✅ MM_sizeof_type

✅ Character
✅ UnsignedCharacter
✅ Short
✅ UnsignedShort
✅ Integer
✅ UnsignedInteger
✅ Long
✅ UnsignedLong
✅ Float
✅ Double
✅ LongLong
✅ UnsignedLongLong
✅ Boolean
✅ WideCharacter
✅ OneDimDoubleArray
✅ OneDimDoublePtrArray
✅ TwoDimDoubleArray
✅ ThreeDimDoubleArray
✅ UserDefinedSingleton
✅ UserDefinedOneDimArray
✅ UserDefinedTwoDimArray

✅ MM_stl_checkpoint.xml

34 tests were completed in 19ms with 34 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_stl_checkpoint 34✅ 19ms

✅ MM_stl_checkpoint

✅ i_vec
✅ i_s_vec
✅ string_vec
✅ s_vec
✅ i_i_pair
✅ i_s_pair
✅ s_i_pair
✅ i_v_pair
✅ pair_pair
✅ i_i_map
✅ i_s_map
✅ s_i_map
✅ s_s_map
✅ i_queue
✅ s_queue
✅ nested_list_queue
✅ i_stack
✅ s_stack
✅ nested_list_stack
✅ i_set
✅ vector_set
✅ s_set
✅ nested_map_set
✅ i_multiset
✅ vector_multiset
✅ s_multiset
✅ nested_map_multiset
✅ i_array
✅ pair_array
✅ string_array
✅ vec_array
✅ vec_user_defined
✅ DISABLED_vec_user_defined_stl
✅ recursive_nightmare

✅ MM_stl_restore.xml

33 tests were completed in 19ms with 33 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_stl_restore 33✅ 19ms

✅ MM_stl_restore

✅ i_vec
✅ i_s_vec
✅ s_vec
✅ string_vec
✅ i_i_pair
✅ i_s_pair
✅ s_i_pair
✅ s_s_pair
✅ pair_pair
✅ i_i_map
✅ i_s_map
✅ s_i_map
✅ s_s_map
✅ i_queue
✅ s_queue
✅ nested_list_queue
✅ i_stack
✅ s_stack
✅ nested_list_stack
✅ i_set
✅ s_set
✅ vector_set
✅ nested_map_set
✅ i_multiset
✅ s_multiset
✅ vector_multiset
✅ nested_map_multiset
✅ i_array
✅ pair_array
✅ string_array
✅ vec_array
✅ vec_user_defined
✅ recursive_nightmare

✅ MM_strdup_unittest.xml

1 tests were completed in 0ms with 1 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_strdup 1✅ 0ms

✅ MM_strdup

✅ theTest

✅ MM_trick_type_char_string.xml

26 tests were completed in 0ms with 26 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_tricktypecharstring 26✅ 0ms

✅ MM_tricktypecharstring

✅ TRICK_STL_test
✅ DEFAULT_test

✅ MM_write_checkpoint_hexfloat.xml

2 tests were completed in 0ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_write_checkpoint_hexfloat 2✅ 0ms

✅ MM_write_checkpoint_hexfloat

✅ dbl_singleton
✅ dbl_array

✅ MM_write_checkpoint.xml

30 tests were completed in 3ms with 30 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_write_checkpoint 30✅ 3ms

✅ MM_write_checkpoint

✅ string_singleton
✅ dbl_singleton
✅ bool_singleton
✅ dbl_pointer
✅ bool_pointer
✅ dbl_array
✅ dbl_array_expanded
✅ dbl_array_pointers
✅ dbl_array_pointers_expanded
✅ dbl_2d_constrained_array
✅ dbl_2d_constrained_array_expanded
✅ enum_singleton
✅ enum_pointer
✅ enum_array
✅ enum_array_pointers
✅ udt_singleton_no_deps
✅ udt_singleton_self_referential
✅ udt_singleton_deps
✅ udt_pointer
✅ udt_array_no_deps
✅ udt_array_deps
✅ vector_of_named_vars
✅ reference_to_unknown_member
✅ reference_to_unknown_member_in_array
✅ 1d_array_of_structures
✅ 2d_array_of_structures
✅ io_test
✅ Compressed_2d_char_arrays
✅ ptr_to_array_of_ptrs_to_objects
✅ WrappedStl

✅ MM_write_var_unittest.xml

18 tests were completed in 1ms with 18 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MM_write_var 18✅ 1ms

✅ MM_write_var

✅ CharVarByAddr
✅ CharVarByName
✅ UnsignedCharVarByAddr
✅ ShortVarByAddr
✅ UnsignedShortVarByAddr
✅ IntegerVarByAddr
✅ UnsignedIntegerVarByAddr
✅ LongVarByAddr
✅ UnsignedLongVarByAddr
✅ FloatVarByAddr
✅ DoubleVarByAddr
✅ LongLongVarByAddr
✅ UnsignedLongLongVarByAddr
✅ BooleanVarByAddr
✅ UserDefinedType1VarByAddr
✅ ArrayOfCharStringsVarByAddr
✅ DoubleOneDimArrayVarByAddr
✅ DoubleTwoDimArrayVarByAddr

✅ MonteCarlo_exceptions.xml

3 tests were completed in 997ms with 3 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MonteCarloTest 3✅ 997ms

✅ MonteCarloTest

✅ MonteVarFile_ColException
✅ MonteVarFile_BadFileException
✅ TestMonteVarRandom_Exception

✅ MonteCarlo.xml

24 tests were completed in 5ms with 24 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
MonteCarloTest 24✅ 5ms

✅ MonteCarloTest

✅ Job_Queue_Master_Init
✅ Job_Queue_Master_Pre
✅ Job_Queue_Master_Post
✅ Job_Queue_Master_Shutdown
✅ Job_Queue_Slave_Init
✅ Job_Queue_Slave_Pre
✅ Job_Queue_Slave_Post
✅ Job_Queue_Slave_Shutdown
✅ Good_Initialization
✅ TestDefaultValues
✅ TestSettingValues
✅ TestRanges
✅ TestSlaves
✅ MonteVarFile
✅ MonteVarFileWithEOFLine
✅ MonteVarFileWithLineEndedEOF
✅ MonteVarRandom_Gaussian
✅ MonteVarRandom_Poisson
✅ MonteVarRandom_Flat
✅ MonteVarRandom_NonGSL
✅ MonteVarFixed
✅ MonteVarRandom_Gaussian_distributionMatchesSpec
✅ MonteVarRandom_Gaussian_nonGslSigmaRangeDefaulted_maxDeviationFromMeanIs1Sigma
✅ MonteVarRandom_StlGaussian_nonGslSigmaRangeDefaulted_maxDeviationFromMeanIs1Sigma

✅ ScheduledJobQueue.xml

11 tests were completed in 0ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
ScheduledJobQueueTest 11✅ 0ms

✅ ScheduledJobQueueTest

✅ PushJobsbyJobOrder
✅ PushJobOntoSameIndex_CurrIndex0
✅ PushJobOntoSameIndex_CurrIndex1
✅ PushJobsbySimObjectOrder
✅ PushJobsbyPhaseOrder
✅ PushJobsbyJobClassOrder
✅ PushJobsIgnoreSimObject
✅ TopJob
✅ FindNextJob
✅ TestNextJob
✅ InstrumentBeforeAll

✅ TEST_var_binary_parser.xml

52 tests were completed in 1ms with 52 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
BinaryParserTest 52✅ 1ms

✅ BinaryParserTest

✅ ParseMessageType
✅ ParseMessageSize
✅ ParseNumVars
✅ ValidateHeaderSize
✅ ValidateMessageType
✅ ValidateMessageSize
✅ ParseFirstVariableName
✅ ParseFirstVariableType
✅ ParseFirstVariableValue
✅ HandleUnexpectedEnd
✅ ParseTwoVariables
✅ ParseVariableNoname
✅ GetByNameNoname
✅ ParseVariableByteswap
✅ ParseVariableByteswap2
✅ CombineMessages
✅ CombineMessagesIncorrectType
✅ GetVarByName
✅ GetVarByIndex
✅ GetVarByNameIncorrect
✅ GetVarByIndexWrong
✅ ArrayTest
✅ ParseChar
✅ ParseCharWrongType
✅ ParseUnsignedChar
✅ ParseUnsignedCharWrongType
✅ ParseBool
✅ ParseBoolWrongType
✅ ParseShort
✅ ParseShortWrongType
✅ ParseUnsignedShort
✅ ParseUnsignedShortWrongType
✅ ParseInt
✅ ParseIntWrongType
✅ ParseUnsignedInt
✅ ParseUnsignedIntWrongType
✅ ParseLong
✅ ParseLongWrongType
✅ ParseUnsignedLong
✅ ParseUnsignedLongWrongType
✅ ParseLongLong
✅ ParseLongLongWrongType
✅ ParseUnsignedLongLong
✅ ParseUnsignedLongLongWrongType
✅ ParseFloat
✅ ParseFloatWrongType
✅ ParseDouble
✅ ParseDoubleWrongType
✅ ParseString
✅ ParseStringWrongType
✅ ParseWChar
✅ ParseWCharWrongType

✅ TrickComm.xml

18 tests were completed in 1ms with 18 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
TCConnectTest 3✅ 0ms
TCDevCopyTest 3✅ 0ms
TCDisconnectTest 2✅ 0ms
TCErrorTest 4✅ 1ms
TCIsValidTest 3✅ 0ms
TCPendingTest 1✅ 0ms
TCSetBlockIOTest 2✅ 0ms

✅ TCConnectTest

✅ testNoDevice
✅ testDisabledDevice
✅ testNullHostname

✅ TCDevCopyTest

✅ testNullSrcDest
✅ testNullSrc
✅ testNullDest

✅ TCDisconnectTest

✅ testNoDevice
✅ testSuccess

✅ TCErrorTest

✅ testNoDevice
✅ testNoErrorHandler
✅ testOn
✅ testOff

✅ TCIsValidTest

✅ testNullDevice
✅ testInvalidSocket
✅ testValidSocket

✅ TCPendingTest

✅ testNullDevice

✅ TCSetBlockIOTest

✅ testNoDevice
✅ testSuccess

✅ Unicode_utils.xml

38 tests were completed in 0ms with 38 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
escape_to_ascii 8✅ 0ms
ucodepoint_to_utf16 4✅ 0ms
ucodepoint_to_utf32 2✅ 0ms
ucodepoint_to_utf8 4✅ 0ms
unescape_to_utf8 7✅ 0ms
utf8_to_wchar 7✅ 0ms
wchar_to_utf8 6✅ 0ms

✅ escape_to_ascii

✅ null_input
✅ null_output
✅ normal_1
✅ normal_2
✅ demotest
✅ detect_corruption_1
✅ detect_corruption_2
✅ insufficient_result_array_size

✅ ucodepoint_to_utf16

✅ two_16bit_element_sequence
✅ one_16bit_element
✅ invalid_surrogate
✅ codepoint_too_big

✅ ucodepoint_to_utf32

✅ valid
✅ invalid

✅ ucodepoint_to_utf8

✅ four_8bit_element_sequence
✅ three_8bit_element_sequence
✅ two_8bit_element_sequence
✅ ascii

✅ unescape_to_utf8

✅ null_input
✅ null_output
✅ normal_1
✅ non_ascii_chars
✅ insufficient_hex_digits_1
✅ insufficient_hex_digits_2
✅ insufficient_result_array_size

✅ utf8_to_wchar

✅ null_input
✅ null_output
✅ test1
✅ test2
✅ test3
✅ insufficient_result_array_size
✅ corrupted_input

✅ wchar_to_utf8

✅ null_input
✅ null_output
✅ test1
✅ test2
✅ invalid_unicode
✅ insufficient_result_array_size

✅ UnitConvTestSuite.xml

2 tests were completed in 0ms with 2 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
UnitsInterface 2✅ 0ms

✅ UnitsInterface

✅ BogusUnit
✅ Newton_to_Pound

✅ UnitTestEulerQuat.xml

18 tests were completed in 1ms with 18 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
EulerQuatTest 18✅ 1ms

✅ EulerQuatTest

✅ euler123_to_quat
✅ euler132_to_quat
✅ euler231_to_quat
✅ euler213_to_quat
✅ euler312_to_quat
✅ euler321_to_quat
✅ quat_to_euler123_method1
✅ quat_to_euler123_method2
✅ quat_to_euler132_method1
✅ quat_to_euler132_method2
✅ quat_to_euler231_method1
✅ quat_to_euler231_method2
✅ quat_to_euler213_method1
✅ quat_to_euler213_method2
✅ quat_to_euler312_method1
✅ quat_to_euler312_method2
✅ quat_to_euler321_method1
✅ quat_to_euler321_method2

✅ UnitTestSuite.xml

110 tests were completed in 3ms with 110 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
UnitConversion 110✅ 3ms

✅ UnitConversion

✅ SecondToSecond
✅ SecondToMinute
✅ SecondToHour
✅ SecondToDay
✅ MinuteToSecond
✅ HourToSecond
✅ DayToSecond
✅ MeterToMeter
✅ MeterToFeet
✅ MeterToInch
✅ MeterToMilli
✅ MeterToCenti
✅ MeterToKilometer
✅ MeterToYard
✅ MeterToMile
✅ MeterToNautMile
✅ MeterToKilofoot
✅ FootToInch
✅ YardToFoot
✅ YardToInch
✅ MileToFeet
✅ NautMileToFeet
✅ KilofootToFeet
✅ RadToRad
✅ RadToDeg
✅ RadToArcSec
✅ RadToArcMin
✅ RadToRev
✅ RadToMilliRad
✅ RevToDeg
✅ RevToRad
✅ ArcMinToDeg
✅ ArcSecToDeg
✅ KilogramToKilogram
✅ KilogramToSlug
✅ KilogramToPoundMass
✅ KilogramToGram
✅ KilogramToMetricTon
✅ MetricTonToKilogram
✅ NewtonToNewton
✅ NewtonToKiloNewton
✅ NewtonToOunce
✅ NewtonToPoundForce
✅ VoltToVolt
✅ VoltToKiloVolt
✅ AmpToAmp
✅ AmpToMilliAmp
✅ DoubleDashToDoubleDash
✅ DoubleDashToCount
✅ DoubleDashToOne
✅ HertzToHertz
✅ HertzToMegaHertz
✅ HertzToGigaHertz
✅ CelsiusToKelvin
✅ CelsiusToFahrenheit
✅ CelsiusToRankine
✅ KelvinToCelsius
✅ KelvinToFahrenheit
✅ KelvinToRankine
✅ RankineToCelsius
✅ RankineToKelvin
✅ RankineToFahrenheit
✅ CelsiusZero
✅ KelvinZero
✅ FahrenheitZero
✅ RankineZero
✅ CelsiusBodyTemp
✅ KelvinBodyTemp
✅ FahrenheitBodyTemp
✅ RankineBodyTemp
✅ InvSecondsToInvMinutes
✅ InvMinutesToInvSeconds
✅ CelsiusSecondToFahrenheitMinute
✅ FahrenheitMinuteToCelsiusSecond
✅ FahrenheitSquaredToFahrenheitSquared
✅ CelsiusFahrenheitToCelsiusFahrenheit
✅ FahrenheitSquaredToCelsiusSquared
✅ CelsiusSquaredToFahrenheitSquared
✅ FahrenheitSquaredToCelsiusFahrenheit
✅ CelsiusPerSecondToFahrenheitPerSecond
✅ FahrenheitPerSecondToCelsiusPerSecond
✅ FahrenheitPerSecondToCelsiusPerMinute
✅ CompositeNewtonToCompositePoundForce
✅ CompositePoundForceToCompositeNewton
✅ FootPoundsToNewtonMeters
✅ FootPoundsToNewtonMetersWithConvertTo
✅ CompositePoundForceToCompositeNewtonCommutative
✅ CompositeNewtonToCompositePoundForceCommutative
✅ PerSecondSquaredToPerSecondTimesSecond
✅ PerSecondSquaredToPerSecondPerSecond
✅ PerSecondTimesSecondToPerSecondPerSecond
✅ PerSecondTimesSecondToPerSecondSquared
✅ PerSecondPerSecondToPerSecondTimesSecond
✅ PerSecondPerSecondToPerSecondSquared
✅ GetUnitName
✅ SetUnitName
✅ InvalidUnit
✅ MissingProduct
✅ InvalidExponent
✅ InvalidRatio
✅ InvalidFootPound
✅ NewtonMeterToInvalidFootPound
✅ CelsiusToMeter
✅ MilliAmpsToKilogram
✅ VoltsToMegaHertz
✅ RadianToDoubleDash
✅ DoubleDashToMeterPerSecondSquared
✅ SecondToMeterPerSecond
✅ KilogramMeterPerSecondToCount
✅ KilogramMeterPerSecondToMeterSquared

✅ VariableReference_test.xml

27 tests were completed in 136ms with 27 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
VariableReference_test 27✅ 136ms

✅ VariableReference_test

✅ getName
✅ validateAddress
✅ stageValue_set
✅ prepareForWrite_set
✅ prepareForWrite_fails_if_not_staged
✅ writeValueAscii_fails_if_not_write_ready
✅ var_does_not_exist
✅ stl_var
✅ structured_var
✅ printWithoutUnits
✅ setUnits
✅ setUnitsTwice
✅ setUnitsBadFromUnits
✅ setUnitsBadToUnits
✅ setUnitsDouble
✅ setUnitsLong
✅ setUnitsLongLong
✅ setUnitsUnsignedLong
✅ setUnitsUnsignedLongLong
✅ byteswap_chars
✅ byteswap_char_array
✅ byteswap_short
✅ byteswap_int
✅ byteswap_long
✅ byteswap_long_arr
✅ byteswap_int_arr
✅ byteswap_int_multidimensional_arr

✅ VariableReference_writeValueAscii_test.xml

11 tests were completed in 48ms with 11 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
VariableReference_test 11✅ 48ms

✅ VariableReference_test

✅ writeValueAscii_int
✅ writeValueAscii_int_arr
✅ writeValueAscii_double
✅ writeValueAscii_char
✅ writeValueAscii_unsigned_char
✅ writeValueAscii_wide_char
✅ DISABLED_writeValueAscii_wide_char_unconstrained
✅ writeValueAscii_std_string
✅ writeValueAscii_escape_characters
✅ writeValueAscii_boolean
✅ writeValueAscii_short

✅ VariableReference_writeValueBinary_test.xml

8 tests were completed in 38ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
VariableReference_test 8✅ 38ms

✅ VariableReference_test

✅ writeValueBinary_int
✅ writeValueBinary_float
✅ writeValueBinary_int_arr
✅ writeValueBinary_double_arr
✅ writeValueBinary_string
✅ writeNameBinary
✅ writeNameLengthBinary
✅ writeValueBinaryByteswap_int

✅ VariableServer_test.xml

10 tests were completed in 1ms with 10 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
VariableServer_test 10✅ 1ms

✅ VariableServer_test

✅ set_log_on
✅ set_log_off
✅ set_session_log_on
✅ set_session_log_off
✅ enabled_by_default
✅ set_enabled
✅ info_msg_off_by_default
✅ set_info_msg
✅ set_info_msg_off
✅ info_dump

✅ VariableServerListenThread_test.xml

13 tests were completed in 18s with 13 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
VariableServerListenThread_test 13✅ 18s

✅ VariableServerListenThread_test

✅ init_listen_device
✅ init_listen_device_fails
✅ get_hostname
✅ get_port
✅ get_port_returns_requested
✅ check_and_move_listen_device_init_fails
✅ check_and_move_listen_device
✅ run_thread
✅ run_thread_no_broadcast
✅ run_thread_turn_on_broadcast
✅ accept_connection
✅ connection_fails
✅ restart_fails

✅ VariableServerSession_test.xml

44 tests were completed in 1s with 44 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
VariableServerSession_test 44✅ 1s

✅ VariableServerSession_test

✅ toString
✅ var_sync
✅ large_message_ascii
✅ large_message_binary
✅ log_on
✅ no_log_by_default
✅ info_msg_on
✅ info_msg_off_by_default
✅ debug_on
✅ copy_async_disabled
✅ copy_async_copy_and_write
✅ copy_async_copy_write_when_copied
✅ copy_async_no_copy_or_write
✅ copy_async_non_realtime
✅ copy_async_paused
✅ copy_async_write_fails
✅ copy_and_write_top_disabled
✅ copy_and_write_top_copy_top_write_async
✅ copy_and_write_top_copy_top_write_when_copied
✅ copy_and_write_top_copy_top_dont_write_if_non_realtime
✅ copy_and_write_top_copy_top_write_paused
✅ copy_and_write_top_wrong_offset
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_disabled
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_copy_top_write_async
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_copy_top_write_when_copied
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_copy_top_dont_write_if_non_realtime
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_copy_top_write_paused
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_wrong_offset
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_disabled
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_wrong_mode
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_wrong_tics
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_copy_and_write
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_copy_scheduled_write_async
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_paused
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_non_realtime
✅ copy_and_write_scheduled_write_fails
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_disabled
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_wrong_mode
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_wrong_tics
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_copy_and_write
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_copy_scheduled_write_async
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_paused
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_non_realtime
✅ copy_and_write_freeze_scheduled_write_fails

✅ VariableServerSessionThread_test.xml

8 tests were completed in 13ms with 8 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
VariableServerSessionThread_test 8✅ 13ms

✅ VariableServerSessionThread_test

✅ connection_failure
✅ DISABLED_exit_if_handle_message_fails
✅ DISABLED_exit_if_write_fails
✅ exit_commanded
✅ thread_cancelled
✅ turn_session_log_on
✅ throw_trick_executive_exception
✅ throw_exception