Train and Inference your custom YOLO-NAS model by Single Command Line
A Next-Generation, Object Detection Foundational Model generated by Deci’s Neural Architecture Search Technology
Deci is thrilled to announce the release of a new object detection model, YOLO-NAS - a game-changer in the world of object detection, providing superior real-time object detection capabilities and production-ready performance. Deci's mission is to provide AI teams with tools to remove development barriers and attain efficient inference performance more quickly.
In terms of pure numbers, YOLO-NAS is ~0.5 mAP point more accurate and 10-20% faster than equivalent variants of YOLOv8 and YOLOv7.
Model | mAP | Latency (ms) |
YOLO-NAS S | 47.5 | 3.21 |
YOLO-NAS M | 51.55 | 5.85 |
YOLO-NAS L | 52.22 | 7.87 |
YOLO-NAS S INT-8 | 47.03 | 2.36 |
YOLO-NAS M INT-8 | 51.0 | 3.78 |
YOLO-NAS L INT-8 | 52.1 | 4.78 |
mAP numbers in table reported for COCO 2017 Val dataset and latency benchmarked for 640x640 images on Nvidia T4 GPU.
YOLO-NAS's architecture employs quantization-aware blocks and selective quantization for optimized performance. When converted to its INT8 quantized version, YOLO-NAS experiences a smaller precision drop (0.51, 0.65, and 0.45 points of mAP for S, M, and L variants) compared to other models that lose 1-2 mAP points during quantization. These techniques culminate in innovative architecture with superior object detection capabilities and top-notch performance.
- Clone the Repository
- Install dependencies
- Prepare dataset
- Train your custom YOLO-NAS model
- Inference your custom YOLO-NAS model on Camera/Video/RTSP
git clone
Create anaconda python environment
conda create -n yolo-nas python=3.9 -y
conda activate yolo-nas
PyTorch v1.11.0 Installation
# conda installation
conda install pytorch==1.11.0 torchvision==0.12.0 torchaudio==0.11.0 cudatoolkit=11.3 -c pytorch -y
/// OR
# PIP installation
pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url
Quantization Aware Training
# For Quantization Aware Training
pip install pytorch-quantization==2.1.2 --extra-index-url
Install Super-Gradients
pip install super-gradients==3.1.3
Your custom dataset should be in COCO JSON data format.
To convert YOLO (.txt) / PASCAL VOC (.XML) format to COCO JSON.
Using JSON Converter
COCO Data Format:
├── Dataset
| ├── annotations
│ │ ├── train.json
│ │ ├── valid.json
│ │ ├── test.json
│ ├── train
│ │ ├── 1.jpg
│ │ ├── abc.png
| | ├── ....
│ ├── val
│ │ ├── 2.jpg
│ │ ├── fram.png
| | ├── ....
│ ├── test
│ │ ├── img23.jpeg
│ │ ├── 50.jpg
| | ├── ....
To training custom model using your custom data. You need to create data.yaml Example:
Dir: 'Data'
test: test
train: train
val: valid
test: annotations/test.json
train: annotations/train.json
val: annotations/valid.json
You can train your YOLO-NAS model with Single Command Line
, --data
: path to data.yaml
, --name
: Checkpoint dir name
, --batch
: Training batch size
, --epoch
: number of training epochs.
, --size
: Input image size
, --worker
: Training number of workers
, --model
: Model type (Choices: yolo_nas_s
, yolo_nas_m
, yolo_nas_l
, --weight
: path to pre-trained model weight (ckpt_best.pth
) (default: coco
: Train on multiple gpus
: Train on CPU
: To resume model training
Other Training Parameters:
: Warmup Mode, eg: Linear Epoch Step
: Warmup Initial LR
: LR Warmup Epochs
: Inital LR
: LR Mode, eg: cosine
: Cosine Final LR Ratio
: Optimizer, eg: Adam
: Weight Decay
python3 --data /dir/dataset/data.yaml --batch 6 --epoch 100 --model yolo_nas_m --size 640
# From Pre-trained weight
python3 --data /dir/dataset/data.yaml --batch 6 --epoch 100 --model yolo_nas_m --size 640 \
--weight runs/train2/ckpt_latest.pth
If your training ends in 65th epoch (total 100 epochs), now you can start from 65th epoch and complete your 100 epochs training.
python3 --data /dir/dataset/data.yaml --batch 6 --epoch 100 --model yolo_nas_m --size 640 \
--weight runs/train2/ckpt_latest.pth --resume
, --data
: path to data.yaml
, --batch
: Training batch size
, --epoch
: number of training epochs.
, --size
: Input image size
, --worker
: Training number of workers
, --model
: Model type (Choices: yolo_nas_s
, yolo_nas_m
, yolo_nas_l
, --weight
: path to pre-trained model weight (ckpt_best.pth
: Train on multiple gpus
: Train on CPU
Other Training Parameters:
: Warmup Mode, eg: Linear Epoch Step
: Warmup Initial LR
: LR Warmup Epochs
: Inital LR
: LR Mode, eg: cosine
: Cosine Final LR Ratio
: Optimizer, eg: Adam
: Weight Decay
python3 --data /dir/dataset/data.yaml --weight runs/train2/ckpt_best.pth --batch 6 --epoch 100 --model yolo_nas_m --size 640
You can Inference your YOLO-NAS model with Single Command Line
- Image
- Video
- Camera
, --num
: Number of classes the model trained on
, --model
: Model type (choices: yolo_nas_s
, yolo_nas_m
, yolo_nas_l
, --weight
: path to trained model weight, for COCO model: coco
, --source
: video path/cam-id/RTSP
, --conf
: model prediction confidence (0<conf<1)
: to save video
: hide video window
python3 --model yolo_nas_s --weight coco --source 0 # Camera
python3 --model yolo_nas_m --weight coco --source /test/video.mp4 --conf 0.66 # video
python3 --num 3 --model yolo_nas_m --weight /runs/train4/ckpt_best.pth --source /test/video.mp4 --conf 0.66 # video
--source /test/sample.jpg --conf 0.5 --save # Image save
--source /test/video.mp4 --conf 0.75 --hide # to save and hide video window
--source 0 --conf 0.45 # Camera
--source 'rtsp://link' --conf 0.25 --save # save RTSP video stream
- Video
- Camera
, --num
: Number of classes the model trained on
, --model
: Model type (choices: yolo_nas_s
, yolo_nas_m
, yolo_nas_l
, --weight
: path to trained model weight
, --source
: paths to videos/cam-ids/RTSPs
: to enable full screen
python3 --num 3 --model yolo_nas_m --weight /runs/train4/ckpt_best.pth --source '/test/video.mp4' '/test/video23.mp4' # videos
--source 0 2 --conf 0.45 --full # web-Cameras with full screen
--source 'rtsp://link' 'rtsp://link3' --conf 0.25 # RTSPs video stream