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Ramsey Nasser edited this page Feb 3, 2011 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the Zajal wiki! This is where documentation of the development of the programming language will take place.

The Project

Zajal is a new creative coding language that's designed from the ground up to minimize the friction between your vision and working software. By combining the approachable functionality of openFrameworks and the gorgeous syntax of Ruby, Zajal hopes to be the tool that creative coders have been waiting for. It is being developed as my MFA thesis at Parsons The New School for Design.

Overview and Todo

While Zajal as a language consists only of the interpreter and API, Zajal as a project has a much wider scope with the aim of providing as complete a creative coding experience as possible. This breaks down into the following four categories.

  • Language Features - Zajal-specific features and where it deviates from Ruby
  • API - The creative-coding focused functionality built right in
  • OS Helpers - GUI tools that integrate Zajal into the host OS
  • Editors - Don't have TextMate? We've got you covered.


  • Syntax - How the language looks and feels
  • API - Complete reference from the source code


  • Repository - The heart of the project at the moment. All the code is here.
  • Sketch Book - Something of the blog of the project. Mostly uploads of sketches I've made and the code behind them.
  • Wiki - This wiki. Development notes, ideas, todo lists and the like.
  • Main Website - Will eventually be the main public face of the project. Nothing much there at the moment.
  • Twitter Feed - So that updates to Zajal can invade your daily life
  • openFrameworks - The powerhouse C++ coding framework under the hood.
  • Ruby - The language you actually code in when you're coding in Zajal.
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