Check it out here:
This project started 2 years ago while I was a freshman in my Computer Information System class. Ever since, I've updated and improved it. I've learned a lot about web design, programming, and Git version control from it and for that I'm thankful.
- Ms. Neumann (My CIS and AP CSP teacher)
- Adobe Brackets for making an awesome text editor!
- Space Grotesk Font; also available on Google Fonts
- and his source code available here
- normalize.css for a few tips on css resets
- codrops for an image description animation in 100% CSS
- particles.js for a cool animated background
- Responsive web design
- Theme automatically adjusts to the user's preference (light/dark)
- Interactive animated background
- Footer section
- "Client Work" sub-section inside the portfolio - showcasing recent video projects I've worked on
- Scroll to top button
- Light/dark mode toggle feature