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Tools for bridging the scale between general circulation models and ecosystem service models


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This is a python library for spatial downscaling of CMIP6 climate data. It is an adaptation of the GCMClimTool Library by Angarita H., Yates D., Depsky N. 2014-2021.

Downscaling methods are based on those described in:


  1. Request access to climate data

    • Send Dave a google account email address you wish to use for Google Cloud.
      (gmail or addresses should work)
    • (Users will be granted Role Storage Object Viewer for bucket natcap-climate-data)
  2. Authenticate with Google Cloud

gcloud auth application-default login

Usage option 1: with a conda environment

  1. Setup the python environment
git clone
cd gcm-downscaling
conda env create -p ./env --file requirements.yml
conda activate ./env
pip install .
  1. Make a copy of and modify the args dictionary

  2. python

Usage option 2: with a docker container

  1. Setup a directory containing your AOI vector and a copy of
  2. modify the args dictionary in your copy of
    • set args['workspace_dir'] to be a relative path within this directory
docker run --rm -ti -v %CD%:/workspace -v %appdata%/gcloud:/home/mambauser/.config/gcloud -w /workspace -e GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT='natcap-servers' python

Note: You may need to give Docker more RAM and CPUs than it is allowed to use by default.
Adjust in Docker Desktop > Settings > Resources. 6GB of RAM should do it.

args dictionary

'aoi_path' (str): a path to a GDAL polygon vector. Coordinates represented by longitude, latitude decimal degrees (WGS84).

'workspace_dir' (str): a path to the directory where this program writes output and other temporary files.

'reference_period_dates' (sequence): ('YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD') first and last day in the reference period, which is used to calculate climate "normals".

'prediction_dates' (sequence, optional): ('YYYY-MM-DD', 'YYYY-MM-DD') first and last day in the simulation period. Required if hindcast=False.

'lower_precip_threshold' (float): the lower boundary of the middle bin of precipitation states. Units: mm

'upper_precip_percentile' (float): a percentile (from 0:100) with which to extract the absolute precipitation value that will be the upper boundary (inclusive) of the middle bin of precipitation states.

'hindcast' (bool): If True, observed data (MSWEP) is substituted for GCM data and the prediction period is set to match the date range of the observed dataset (knn.MSWEP_DATE_RANGE).

'gcm_model_list' (sequence, optional): a sequence of strings representing CMIP6 model codes. Each model will be used to generate a single downscaled product for each experiment in gcm_experiment_list. Available models are stored in knn.GCM_MODEL_LIST. Required if hindcast=False.

'gcm_experiment_list' (sequence, optional): a sequence of strings representing CMIP6 SSP experiments. Available experiments are stored in GCM_EXPERIMENT_LIST. If a CMIP model does not include a given experiment, that experiment will be skipped for that model. Required if hindcast=False.

'observed_dataset_path' (string, optional): if provided, this dataset will be used instead of MSWEP as the source of observed, historical preciptation. The dataset should be a netCDF or other xarray.open_dataset readable format. It should contain coordinates and variables named & defined as,


  • lat - decimal degrees (-90 : 90)
  • lon - decimal degrees (-180 : 180) or (0 : 360)
  • time - daily timesteps in units that can be parsed to numpy.datetime64


  • precipitation - dimensions: (time, lat, lon); units: millimeter

'n_workers' (int, optional): The number of worker processes to use. If omitted, computation will take place in the current process. If a positive number, tasks can be parallelized across this many processes, which can be useful if gcm_model_list or gcm_experiement_list contain multiple items.

About Global Climate Data

Data Availablity

This workflow derives downscaled climate data from,

  • CMIP6 General Circulation Models (ee knn.MODEL_LIST for list of available models)
  • MSWEP historical precipitation data.

Data Storage

Analysis-ready data are stored in zarr format in a private google cloud bucket (natcap-climate-data) in the NatCap Servers cloud project.

Raw netCDF data are stored on Stanford's Oak Storage Service at /oak/stanford/groups/gdaily/.
See scripts/preprocessing/ for workflows to create zarr from netCDF.

Adding new data sources

global data:

New CMIP6 models or other new global data source can be made available by following the examples in scripts/preprocessing/ to create zarr stores and move them to the natcap-climate-data bucket.

local data:

To use this workflow with local observational data instead of MSWEP data use the optional argument: args[observed_dataset_path] (see above for details).

The downscaled product will have the same spatial resolution as the observation data.


Tools for bridging the scale between general circulation models and ecosystem service models







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