Fedi Space is an application for Pixelfed.
It allows you to share the posts of the users you follow and many other things that I will add as I learn Flutter
The Fedi Space application is written in Dart for Flutter
One of the main feature is the push notification that I plan to implement.
- If you have a phone with a camera (or an actual camera), you can contribute exercise photos. (These don't need to look particularly good. Even lower resolution living room shots are fine.)
- If you have a computer, you can turn exercise photos into low-poly versions using the FOSStriangulator app.
- If you know a different language, you can translate.
- If you notice a bug or want a new feature, create an issue report.
- If you have an Apple Developer account, you can release the app for iOS.
- UX designers can help design UX for new features.
- UI designers can help with visuals and animations.
- Developers can take on an issue and submit a merge request to solve it.
Stories & Posts
Push Notification
And a big thank you to Dansup the Pixelfed creator.