- Oluwatobi Onipede
- Andrew Li
- Nathan Wiles
- Caroline Olagunju
- @popperjs/core
- @react-pdf/renderer
- cors
- font-awesome
- jspdf
- jspdf-autotable
- moment
- nodemailer
- react
- react-bootstrap
- react-big-calendar
- react-dom
- react-icons
- react-modal
- body-parser
- cors
- express
- humps
- knex
- moment
- multer
- nodemailer
- pg
- yup
During development, make sure to frequently run the following command to ensure that you have the latest dependancies:
npm install
-if you are have trouble with installing the dependancies, make sure that you are using node 16. You can check your node version by running the following command:
node -v
- Ensure that you are in the backend directory:
cd backend
- Ensure that you have initialized your postgress database.
- Ensure that your .env has the following:
DB_PASSWORD= your_db_password
- run the following commands in the terminal:
npm run db:migrate
npm run db:seed
- You should see two message in the terminal that confirm that the migration and seeding were successful
# lines preceeding
Using environment: development
Batch 1 run: 1 migrations
# lines in between
Using environment: development
Ran 3 seed files
- You should now have a database with the correct tables and some seed data
- Ensure that you are in the desired directory:
# depending on which tests you want to run
cd frontend
cd backend
- Run the following command:
npm test
- cypress is a bit different Run the following command:
npm run cypress
Follow the guide found here: https://jestjs.io/docs/en/getting-started
Follow the guide found here: https://vitest.dev/guide/
Follow the guide found here: https://docs.cypress.io/guides/overview/why-cypress
follow the instruction on this link and apply changes to backend dotenv https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/185833?visit_id=638364070840582656-2264851718&p=InvalidSecondFactor&rd=1