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A static file generator using jekyll, compass, fontcustom and grunt.

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When Grunt.js uses Jekyll as a peon.

Happy plan is bundle of amazing tools to be used as a static website generator. It's all about fun and so easy to publish on gh-pages.

What in it?

  • A static website generator from html or markdown: Jekyll.
  • A task-based command line build tool: Grunt.js & some pre-defined tasks (scripts, styles & images automatic minification & compression).
  • An amazing CSS pre-processor, Sass directly served with Compass.
  • A quick way to provide scalable icons as font thanks to Fontcustom & a Grunt task.
  • A Livereload server (tiny-lr provided by the grunt-contrib-livereload task) to make development as fast as hell.
  • A package manager for the web called Bower to handle web components.

Oh, by the way, why "happy plan" ? Here is not the answer.


├── bin                             // Some binaries used by happy plan
│   ├── newpost.js                  // Allows you to create a new post via $ node ./bin/newpost.js
│   └──                  // To publish on gh-pages via $ ./bin/
├── build                           // Where your app is built but you don't have to care about it
├── dist                            // Your final app
├── src                             // This is where all comes
│   ├── _config                     // Everything about config
│   │   └── config.yml              // Configure jekyll
│   ├── _layouts                    // Layouts
│   │   ├── default.html            // The layout called by default
│   │   └── post.html               // A layout which calls default and adds some markups
│   ├── _pages                      // Your pages which will be at the root of the project
│   │   ├── feed.xml                // RSS page
│   │   └── index.html              // Main page
│   ├── _partials                   // Elements you can call everywhere in your pages (it's the jekyll _includes folder)
│   ├── _posts                      // Posts for blog
│   │   └── _drafts                 // Posts you don't want to publish
│   ├── assets                      // All about design
│   │   ├── _components             // Folder for bower elements
│   │   ├── _images                 // Design images
│   │   ├── _scripts                // JS
│   │   │   └── script.js           // a JS file
│   │   ├── _styles                 // CSS
│   │   │   ├── _fontcustom.scss    // Used if you use fontcustom (svg-to-font tool), do not edit it
│   │   │   └── style.scss          // Where you put all your styles
│   │   ├── _svg-to-fonts           // SVG transformed into fonts
│   │   └── fonts                   // Fonts
│   └── medias                      // Content elements like videos, images, audios
├── .bowerrc                        // Where you define your options for bower
├── Gruntfile.js                    // Compilation file
├── component.json                  // Where you define your options used by bower
├── happy-plan.json                 // All paths used by happy plan
└──                       // PLEASE, READ IT


According you already have ruby and npm installed.

$ gem install jekyll compass fontcustom && npm install -g grunt-cli bower && npm install


The easy way is on OS X (but it shouldn't be so hard to make this working on any unix like system. Make a PR :)).

Jekyll [+]

$ (sudo) gem install jekyll

Node.js [+]

$ brew install node

Npm [+]

$ curl | sh

Grunt.js (>0.4) [+]

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Compass [+]

$ (sudo) gem install compass


Fontcustom [+]

$ brew install fontforge eot-utils ttfautohint
$ (sudo) gem install fontcustom
More for grunt-webfont task
$ brew install ttf2eot
$ brew install

Bower [+]

$ npm install bower -g


When everything above is okay, just run:

$ npm install

That's it. Now you can start your website bro'.


To build the website

$ grunt dist


Using watch will allow you to test & dev your posts with livereload included (it needs a livereload browser extension)

$ grunt


When you start $ grunt, you already have a server started to display your webpages. Just go there: http://localhost:8080 :)

Publish on gh-pages (github)

If you want to publish your build on the gh-pages:

$ bin/

This script builds the website (grunt dist) & commit + push on gh-pages branch.

Please, read it

If you want to publish your website with the publish script, you absolutely need that your source branch is called src.

Warning for is a bit special. Indeed, the master branch acts like a gh-pages so you have to publish your website on master and not gh-pages (don't try gh-pages, it won't work).

For that, simply use $ bin/ --master (or -m)

Create a new post

Want to create a new post quickly? No problem.

$ node bin/newpost.js

This create a new post in src/_posts.

For more informations about posts, just read Jekyll's doc

Command helper

$ happyplan dist
$ happyplan dev


Jekyll already have a migration doc

Note: For Wordpress, wordpress-to-jekyll-exporter seems a quick & good choice (+ keep disqus thread id !)


Come up and say hello on IRC! We'll be glad to answer you if you have any questions.

#happyplan @


A static file generator using jekyll, compass, fontcustom and grunt.






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  • JavaScript 88.9%
  • Shell 11.1%