A simplified javascript SDK for interacting with DAOs.
The Solana DAO SDK is a wrapper on top of @solana/spl-governance which is used to interact with smart contracts on Realms
For now, there are very few commands and will change soon.
- Installing dependencies
yarn install ## or npm install
- Build the SDK library and the React sample frontend
yarn build
- Build the SDK library
yarn build:sdk
- Build the SDK library in watch mode.
# Being in the packages/solana-dao-sdk folder
yarn watch
- Running a frontend example using the SDK.
yarn web
This SDK exports a SolanaDAO class that is used to instantiate an object containing the following functions:
- createDAO
- used for creating a new DAO.
- parameters:
- name: string,
- councilWalletPks: PublicKey[] = [],
- yesVoteThreshold: number = 60,
- returns:
- Promise
- getDao
- used for getting info from an existing DAO
- parameters:
- daoPublicKey: PublicKey
- returns:
- Promise
- getMembers
- used for getting members of a Dao
- parameters:
- daoPublicKey: PublicKey
- returns:
- Promise<Member[]>
Some sample code to import the SDK and run some of the SDK functions:
import { SolanaDao } from 'solana-dao-sdk'; //SDK is imported here
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
const client = new SolanaDao();
const createdDao = await client.createDAO('myDaoName');
const retrievedDao = await client.getDao(createdDao.daoPk);
const actualMembers = await client.getMembers(createdDao.daoPk);
// or create a dao with non-default values
const voteTreshold = 80;
const councilMembersPk = [new PublicKey('abc123')];
await client.createDAO('myDaoName', councilMembersPk, voteTreshold);
Here is some sample code to import the SDK and create a Provider that provides the SolanaDAO object.
import React, { createContext, PropsWithChildren, useContext } from 'react';
import { SolanaDao } from 'solana-dao-sdk'; //SDK is imported here
type ContextType = SolanaDao;
export const DaoContext = (createContext < ContextType) | (null > null);
export const useDaoClient = (): ContextType => {
const value = useContext(DaoContext);
if (value === null) {
throw new Error('useDaoClient must be used within a DaoProvider');
return value;
export const DaoProvider: React.FunctionComponent<PropsWithChildren> = ({
}) => {
return (
<DaoContext.Provider value={new SolanaDao()}>
{' '}
//Creating the provider for the SolanaDao object
Here is some sample code consuming the Provider:
import { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js';
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom';
import { Dao } from 'solana-dao-sdk/src';
import { useDaoClient } from '../providers/DaoProvider';
export const DaoPage: React.FunctionComponent = () => {
const client = useDaoClient(); // creating a SolanaDAO object using the Provider
let { id } = useParams();
const [dao, setDao] = (useState < Dao) | (null > null);
const fetchDao = useCallback(async () => {
if (!id) {
return null;
return client.getDao(new PublicKey(id)); //using the getDAO() function
}, [client, id]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [fetchDao]);
if (!dao) {
return <div>Dao not found</div>;
return (
<h1>Dao information</h1>
{dao && (
A simple frontend that utilizes the SDK has been provided. It uses the sample code shown above.
You can run the example with yarn web