Releases: nats-io/
Releases · nats-io/
This is purely a CI/CD release. There are no functional changes since 2.11.4
2.11.1 JetStream Multi Tool
JetStream Multi Tool enhancements and documentation
Issue Bug Fixes
Pull Requests
- [FIXED] PR #451 Header status improvements (@scottf)
- [ENHANCEMENT] PR #452 handle no ack publishing (@scottf)
- [ENHANCEMENT] PR #456 switched to jnats-server-runner library (@scottf)
- [ENHANCEMENT] PR #446 improve cleanup of async responses (@scottf)
Issues General Closed
- [NON ISSUE] Issue #298 NatsConnection does not report SSL error (@scottf)
- [WILL NOT IMPLEMENT] Issue #272 Add ability to publish byte arrays with specified offset and length (@scottf)
- [DOCUMENTED] Issue #316 Failure creating a subscription on a (fairly) new connection (@scottf)
- [NON ISSUE] Issue #344 Performance issue when publishing to certain topics (@scottf)
- [WILL NOT IMPLEMENT] Issue #373 Why not netty for networking? (@sasbury)
- [PRE-RELEASE FEATURE REMOVED] Issue #388 In the jetstream subscriber examples... (@scottf)
- [DOCUMENTED] Issue #402 Unable to connect to NATS server via Android Studio
- [DOCUMENTED] Issue #445 NatsConnection.request(Message) does not use Message.replyTo (@scottf)
- [DOCUMENTED] Issue #423 createContext() not documented (@scottf)
2.10.0 - JetStream features
- JetStream (message and management) support added.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes.
- Examples and benchmarks updated
- Improved unit tests with reusable scaffolding
- General Improvements
- Switched default branch from "master" to "main"
Non JetStream Pull Requests
- [GENERAL] PR #358 Use OS Default SecureRandom (@scottf)
- [BUILD] Issue #360 Automatic-Module-Name clause added to jar manifest. (@bjorndarri)
- [BUILD] PR #365 gradle minor improvements, support windows (@scottf)
- [TEST] PR #375 fix test failing because of timeout that aren't testing timing (@scottf)
- [GENERAL] PR #380 Add a flushBuffer API (@ColinSullivan1)
- [GENERAL] PR #383 nuid speed improvements (@scottf)
- [GENERAL] PR #391 reconnect-jitter-handler-serverinfo-tests (@scottf)
Issue Features
- [JETSTREAM] Issue #335 Add Message Headers (@scottf)
- [GENERAL] Issue #336 Support no-responders (@scottf)
- [JETSTREAM] Issue #353 Jetstream APIS (@ColinSullivan1) (@scottf)
- [BUILD] Issue #355 Automatic module name (@bjorndarri)
- [GENERAL] Issue #377 Add a flushBuffer Connection API (@ColinSullivan1) Added in PR #380
- [JETSTREAM] Issue #393 Create Asynchronous Jetstream.Publish API (@scottf) Added in PR #398
- [JETSTREAM] Issue #396 Jetstream Consumer Delete API (@scottf) Added in PR #408
- [JETSTREAM] Issue #412 Add a JS management API to get consumer info (@scottf) Added in PR #413
Issue Bug Fixes
- [FIXED] Issue #424 ERROR: Subject remapping requires Options.oldRequestStyle()... (@scottf)
- [FIXED] Issue #345 "unable to stop reader thread" log message (@ColinSullivan1) Fixed in PR #427
- [FIXED] Issue #310 NatsConnection.close unnecessarily sleeps for one second (@scottf)
Issues General
2.8.0 - Added support for lame duck mode notification
- Added lame-duck mode support 334
When a server goes into lame-duck mode. The client will send out a connection event.
Example code registering for lame-duck mode.
Options options = new Options.Builder().server(ts.getURI()).connectionListener(new ConnectionListener() {
public void connectionEvent(Connection conn, Events type) {
if (type.equals(Events.LAME_DUCK)) connectLDM.complete(type);
Connection nc = Nats.connect(options);
Lame-duck mode is for servers in a cluster to tell clients that they will no longer be serving requests.
Clients can get notified of this and gracefully perform some actions.
Miscellaneous Updates
- [ADDED] #323 Nats.connect v2 credentials (@olicuzo)
- [CHANGED] #320 Update (@gcolliso)
Bug Fixes
- [FIXED] #318 Printing trace when NUID initialization takes long (@matthiashanel)
- [FIXED] #327 Subject Remapping Fix (@brimworks)
- [FIXED] #331 Close connection when flush fails during drain (@matthiashanel)
- [FIXED] #330 Reconnect wait was not being honored (@ColinSullivan1)
2.6.8 - reconnect improvements
2.6.8 - reconnect improvements.
Changed the reconnect logic so it does not try to connect to a server that it just lost the connection to.
With the randomization algorithm, there's a chance the client will immediately try the server it just lost connection with. Move the last connected server to the end of the list when reconnecting.
- [FIXED] - #309 - Removed some debug printf statements
- [CHANGED] - Allow disable reconnect buffer by using size of zero
- [CHANGED] - Added option to set the max unsent size at the writer and fail or discard messages
- [CHANGED] - Updated build.gradle to not fail if TRAVIS_BRANCH isn't set