nat.jrcbrains allows bridging registrations for Drosophila brains from Janelia Research Campus to be used with the NeuroAnatomy Toolbox suite of R packages.
You can install the development version of nat.jrcbrains from GitHub using the remotes package (part of devtools):
if (!requireNamespace("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")
You must first download the registrations you want from
This is most easily done as follows:
To run this example you will need JRC 2018 Female - JFRC 2010, which is included as one of the downloaded bridging registrations since v0.3.1
# sample neurons in JFRC2 space
pd2a = read.neurons("")
# note use of via argument to insist on higher quality bridging registration
# to FAFB14
pd2a.fafb14=xform_brain(pd2a, sample=JFRC2, reference="FAFB14", via=c("FAFB14um"))
By default nat.jrcbrains
will use registrations in the
Saalfeld h5 format.
As an end user, support for these registrations should be installed transparently
when you install nat.jrcbrains
If you intend to use registrations in ANTs
format, then you will need to install
the suggested nat.ants package.
This is turn has additional dependencies that can be hard to install. See the README for for details but essentially doing
should do the trick.
This is a thin wrapper to allow convenient download and application of bridging registrations developed by John Bogovic in Stephan Saalfeld's lab at Janelia. See:
An unbiased template of the Drosophila brain and ventral nerve cord. John A Bogovic, Hideo Otsuna, Larissa Heinrich, Masayoshi Ito, Jennifer Jeter, Geoffrey Meissner, Aljoscha Nern, Jennifer Colonell, Oz Malkesman, Kei Ito, Stephan Saalfeld bioRxiv 376384; doi:10.1101/376384
for details and additional downloads. Please cite their paper if you make use of these registrations.
In addition if you make use of the infrastructure in this and other natverse packages, we would be grateful if you would cite:
The natverse, a versatile toolbox for combining and analysing neuroanatomical data. A. S. Bates and J. D. Manton and S. R. Jagannathan and M. Costa and P. Schlegel and T. Rohlfing and G. S. X. E. Jefferis. eLife 9. doi:10.7554/eLife.53350
You can also get citation information from inside R for the natverse or individual packages like so:
Your citations will help support future tool development by the Saalfeld lab and ourselves.