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Iter 1 MVP

navacohen90 edited this page May 23, 2016 · 39 revisions

iteration 1 MVP

Iteration Goal

The main goal in this iteration is to develop the main screens of our product:

####Courses view

  • First screen: Top courses types (menu, desserts, drinks)
  • Second screen: Various courses types filtered by top course type (if exists)
  • Third screen: Courses list filtered by course type

Each screen contains items list with illustrative images and short description.

####Course order By clicking on a course, the user gets a detailed screen with information about the course and its price.
If he chooses to order it, he can click on Order button and the course is added to his current open order (or such one is created).
(The order preview will be developed in the next iteration)


Chagit Y
Sara H
Miri Y
Yafit H
Nava C

Scrum master:

Nava C

Product Owner:

Miri Y

###Task Board [huboard] (

huboard before iteration


huboard after iteration


Course Implementation

On this iteration we build the system of our application. Including all MEAN stack layer.

Accomplished Points:

  • Navigation between screens - points: 10
  • Menu screen - points: 15
  • DB - courses tables points: 5
  • Courses View for specific course type - points: 10


We tested our code manually. Depending on these tests ,we changed and amended the code. We also deploy it in azure and check that it works.

Iteration Conclusion:

  • Most of goals were achieved.
  • some of task were not done, seems that we put too many tasks for this iteration.

Release v1.0


Next Iteration:

  • [iter2-Order and Login- wiki] (./Iter-2---Order)