Releases: naver/billboard.js
Releases · naver/billboard.js
3.7.0 (2023-01-11)
The detailed new feature description can be found at:
Bug Fixes
- axis: Fix axis label overlap when has no data (643357b), closes #2974
- axis: fix axis.y/y2.tick.format context error (54ee419), closes #2976
- domain: Fix wrong domain range setting (b55b153), closes #2962
- options: Fix data.regions path rendering for category axis (249d0ac), closes #2950
- plugin: Fix stanford scale to accept 0 as min value (02c4270), closes #2999
- selection: Fix selection w/point.focus.only=true & selection.multiple=false (af93a8a), closes #2928 #3013
- types: Add missing param definition for gauge.label.format (d663532), closes #2946
- types: Fix to referenced but missing d3 types (0b57454), closes #2954 #2961
- types: Support dual module type.d in TS >= 4.7 (143e491), closes #2952 #2953
- api: Enhance .export() to preserve fontStyle (0809ae7), closes #2892
- arc: Intent to ship arc.cornerRadius (e8320cf), closes #2936
- tooltip: Enhance passing ratio value for stacked area/bar (9e7ff01), closes #2921
- treemap: Intent to ship treemap type (9809ef1), closes #123 #3002 #3004 #3006 #3007 #3008
3.7.0-next.1 (2022-12-07)
Bug Fixes
- axis: Fix axis label overlap when has no data (643357b), closes #2974
- axis: fix axis.y/y2.tick.format context error (54ee419), closes #2976
- domain: Fix wrong domain range setting (b55b153), closes #2962
- options: Fix data.regions path rendering for category axis (249d0ac), closes #2950
- types: Add missing param definition for gauge.label.format (d663532), closes #2946
- types: Fix to referenced but missing d3 types (0b57454), closes #2954 #2961
- types: Support dual module type.d in TS >= 4.7 (143e491), closes #2952 #2953