All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning and is following Keep a CHANGELOG.
- #29 Fix remote hostname implementation bug (contribution by Nisheeth Barthwal)
- #26 Ability to specify a hostname instead of an IP address when configuring sink using Serilog.Settings.Configuration (contribution by Marek Stachura)
- #21 Invalid XML generated by
- Support for .NET Standard 2.0 since the sink also has support for .NET Standard 1.3
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Option to specify a logging level switch (contribution by Gian Maria)
- Text formatter compliant with log4net XML schema, thus compatible with Log4View (contribution by Johan van Rhyn)
- Text formatter compliant with log4j XML schema, thus compatible with Log2Console
- Support for .NET Core 2.0
- Full parity between code and JSON configuration of sink by introducing Serilog.Settings.Configuration support for extension method
Udp(IPAddress remoteAddress, int remotePort, ITextFormatter formatter, int localPort, LogEventLevel restrictedToMinimumLevel)
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Renamed argument
. JSON configuration using Serilog.Settings.Configuration will have to be updated accordingly.
- Package project URL
- #7 - Support for .NET Standard 1.3 (contribution by Scott Martin)
- Support for Serilog.Settings.Configuration (contribution by Jon)
- Support for specifying a log event formatter
- [BREAKING CHANGE] Support for Serilog 2.0.0
- Support for .NET Standard 1.5
- Support for Serilog v1.5.14.
- URL to NuGet package icon.
Initial version.