.. hightlight:: rst
AMBER Molecular Dynamics
This roll installs AMBER tools. There are 4 flavors compiled for each compiler (gnu, intel):
serial, mpi cuda cuda mpi
Amber is a licensed software. Get licensed files for AMBAER and AmberTools from
amber roll and put source files in src/amber
Download GaMD patches (provided by developer Yinglong Miao):
amber14_GaMD_patch_confidential.txt amber14-gamd-updates-20160104.tgz
- The
roll must be installed on the build/install host. depends on mpi libraries. - The
roll must be installed on build/install host . In the absence of cuda, editsrc/amber/Makefile
targets to remove cuda-specific compilation. - The roll sources assumes that modulefiles provided by
rolls are available.
The roll uses openmpi
compiled with gnu
compiler for eth
To make a roll use the following command:
# make ROLLCOMPILER='gnu' ROLLMPI='openmpi' ROLLNETWORK='eth' 2>&1 | tee build.log
or simply
# make 2>&1 | tee build.log
A successful build will create the file amberGaMD-*.disk1.iso
To install, execute these instructions on a Rocks frontend:
# rocks add roll amberGaMD*.iso # rocks enable roll amberGaMD # (cd /export/rocks/install; rocks create distro) # rocks run roll amberGaMD > add-amberGaMD.sh # bash add-amberGaMD.sh
Rebuild the compute nodes or
# rocks run host compute "yum clean all; yum install amberGaMD-gnu-eth amberGaMD-module-gnu-eth"
The roll installs GaMD patched amber14 (AmberTools15) and environment module files in:
/opt/amberGaMD/gnu - compiled with GNU /opt/modulefiles/applications/amberGaMD<VERSION> - environment modules
For Sep 2015 workshop buid amberGaMD roll based on a received patch for amber14 source Create the following changes to the amber roll source:
modified: src/amber-modules/amber.module.in modified: src/amber-modules/version.mk modified: src/amber/Makefile modified: src/amber/version.mk modified: version.mk replace in graphs/default: amber.xml with amberGaMD.xml replace in nodes: amber-common.xml.in with amberGaMD-common.xml.in add a GaMD patch/distro to src/amber/ (patch received via email from author, source )