This roll installs Kepler and its prerequisite (java JRE)
Download Kepler distribution v.2.5 and put resulting file Kepler-2.5-linux.tar.gz in src/kepler/ Check md5sum
# md5sum src/kepler/Kepler-2.5-linux.tar.gz ae8cc949b5c587ddf10d607842543cf0 src/kepler/Kepler-2.5-linux.tar.gz
- This step is for the information only, The jre file is already present in the roll src.
On Oracle JRE download page
accept license, download jre-8u121-linux-x64.rpm distro.
Checkout roll distribution from git repo:
# git clone
# cd kepler
To build a roll
# make roll
The resulting ISO file kepler-6.2-0.x86_64.disk1.iso is the roll that can be added to the frontend.
The roll (ISO file) can be added (1) during the initial installation of the cluster (frontend) or (2) to the existing frontend.
- Add roll ISO to your existing frontend that is configured to be
a central server. This procesdure is documented in the section
Frontend Central Server
of Rocks Users Guide. - During the frontend install choose the kepler roll from the list of available rolls
when you see
Select Your Rolls
A roll can be added to the existing frontend.
Execute all commands from top level kepler/
# rocks add roll kepler-6.2-0.x86_64.disk1.iso
# rocks enable roll kepler
# (cd /export/rocks/install; rocks create distro)
# yum clean all
# rocks run roll kepler >
# bash > add-roll.out 2>&1
This roll will install the follwing RPMS that provide java v.8 (build 1.8.0_121)
Kepler is installeed in /opt/kepler