This is a extremely lightweight coroutine library for C++ Consist of only 4 file (1 .c, 1 .cc and 2 .h files)
Supported platform and compiler are linux/windows compiled via gcc/clang/visual c++ targeted on x86 or x64 devices.
This is designed for single-threaded programs; using coroutine in multiple threads at the same time is not supported currently
A example of using this (implementation of async/await and promise) can be found at
The main class is norlit::coroutine::Coroutine. The norlit::coroutine::context_t and series of functions are available if you want to use low-level ucontext-like functions.
Member Function | Signature | Description |
(constructor) | Coroutine() | Initialize a empty instance that refers to no coroutine |
(constructor) | Coroutine(Coroutine&&) | Move constructor; original Coroutine will refer to no coroutine |
(constructor) | Coroutine(const Coroutine&) | Copy constructor; two Coroutine instances refer to the same coroutine |
(constructor) | Coroutine(std::function<void*(void*)>) | Create a new oroutine with given function |
(destructor) | ~Coroutine() | Delete the coroutine if it is pointed by none of the Coroutine instance |
operator = | void(Coroutine&&) | Reassign the current Coroutine instance |
operator = | void(const Coroutine&) | Reassign the current Coroutine instance |
empty | bool() | Test whether a coroutine is retained by the current Coroutine instance |
stop | void*(void* = nullptr) | Force the coroutine to stop. not really recommended to use. |
resume | void*(void* = nullptr) | Resume/Start the coroutine |
status | Coroutine::Status() | Get the status of coroutine |
Static Function | Signature | Description |
yield | void*(void* = nullptr) | Yield the current coroutine |
current | Coroutine() | Get the running coroutine |
Enumeration | Description |
READY | Coroutine is not yet started |
RUNNING | Coroutine is running |
SUSPENDED | yield() is called by coroutine and resume is not called after that |
STOPPED | stop() is called or the coroutine returns |